“A nation can survive its fools, even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within….for the traitor appears not to be a traitor…he rots the soul of a nation…he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
By Glen Reaux
The Robert Mueller report is complete and the Democratic Party now believes that they may never get to impeach so-called-president Donald Trump. Unjustifiably, they are now turning tail, running and switching their tactics to focus on a way to defeat him in the up-coming 2020 election. Truth-be-told, they have no other choice but to impeach him. Based upon the results of the 2016 election, history has taught us that due to Russian interference he stands an overwhelming chance of winning again. If he wins again, this country will continue its tumble towards fascism from which there may be no return. Like Germany, we too may take our turn as a society with a Nazi future. In the public domain alone, there is plenty of evidence that Trump has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. The Michael Cohen / Stormy Daniels case in which Trump was named as an un-indicted co-conspirator automatically wins the brass ring. Still the Democrats do not believe that they have to “Impeach Trump Now or Lose in 2020 and Live Under Fascism.”
While I hold Nancy Pelosi in the highest regard, her recent exclamation that Trump would not be impeached was tantamount to telling a thief “Hey! You have just broken into my house and stolen everything I have. But, that’s okay, please come and do it again.” This statement was just plain stupid, stupid, stupid. In the battle for the soul of this nation, you cannot lie down in the face of imminent destruction or “bring a butter knife to a gunfight!” The American people deserve better from the party of John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson and Martin Luther King Jr. Kennedy and King fought and died to champion civil rights and protect this country from people like Trump and Barr. It’s time for the Democrats to grow a pair, get a spine, drink a big, big, reeeaaalllyyy biiiggg bottle of Pepto-Bismol for that “yeller belly”, “Impeach Trump or Lose In 2020 and Live Under Fascism.”
Although it appears that Mueller did not find enough proof on Trump to indict him, we have not seen the actual report. Attorney General William Barr is on the record stating that he does not believe that a sitting president can be indicted. Also, he thinks that the Mueller investigation should have never happened. So, when you read the Barr Summary of the Mueller Report, you must take those factors into consideration when you assess his conclusions. Conclusions that have prompted Trump to lie again and claim that the report states “completely exonerates me” which like everything else that comes out of his mouth, is a bald-face lie. The Barr Summary of the Mueller Report{1} is a 4-page opinion written by Barr which on page 3, paragraph 1 under the topic of Obstruction of Justice states that: “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it does not exonerate him.”
Once again, out of his own mouth comes proof positive that the president is a liar and not worthy of the office that was given to him by Vladimir Putin. After 22 months and $25 million of the taxpayers money, he owes it to the people of this country to at least tell the truth about one of the most important moments in American history. No one could ever describe what Trump really is better than Arya Stark, daughter of Ned Stark and child turned “Faceless Man” assassin in Game of Thrones, “LLLIIIAAARRR!” I know that many of you in your heart-of-hearts wish “Ooohhh if only Arya Stark could attend a MAGA rally, treat Trump as if he were Lord Walder Frey and solve this country’s problems.” Don’t give up hope yet, after all, truth is stranger than fiction.
But, this is not Westeros and such an act would be un-American unless you were one of Trump’s many minions like Cesar Altieri Sayoc, Jr. Sayoc is a 56-year-old pizza delivery-man, a former stripper, registered Republican and a Trump-radicalized supporter that mailed 13 pipe bombs in an attempt to kill critics and opponents of so-called-president Donald Trump. Sayoc who was living out of a van is no Arya Stark. Among his intended victims from a list of 100 potential targets during his October 2018, bombing spree were billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer. Also included on the list were, Hilary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Robert De Niro and cable news channel CNN. Sayoc has become an undeniable symbol of what Trump has done to this country. But, unlike Trump, he is going to jail. Justice truly is blind.
Further proof that justice is blind is exhibited by the fact that one of the most important documents in American history, the Barr Summary of the Mueller Report which states “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it does not exonerate him” was written by William Barr, the George H.W. Bush appointed Attorney General. Barr approved of and supported the Bush pardons for six high ranking, Reagan administration officials caught-up in the Iran-Contra Affair. The Iran-Contra Affair involved the Reagan Administration’s illegal actions in the procurement and selling of drugs via the CIA to buy weapons that were illegally sold to Iran. The proceeds from these illegal activities were used to fund the Contra rebels in Nicaragua. On March 4, 1987, in a nationally televised statement to the American people, unlike Trump, Reagan admitted that he was a criminal:
“A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that’s true, but the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.”
On December 24, 1992, President Bush pardoned Caspar W. Weinberger, Duane R. Clarridge, Clair E. George, Elliott Abrams, Alan D. Fiers, Jr., and Robert C. McFarlane{2}. Under Barr, 14 persons were charged with criminal offenses. Eleven persons were convicted, but two convictions were overturned on appeal. Two of the six persons were pardoned before trial and one case was dismissed when the Bush Administration declined to declassify information necessary for trial.
Knowing Barr’s history, there is no wonder that with the Republican Senate’s help, so-called-President Donald J. Trump appointed Barr as Attorney General. After all Barr was complicit in and administered the pardon’s granted to convicted Reagan administration officials. And, Barr has delivered a public relations victory to Trump with the publication of his 4 page summary of a 22 month, $25 million investigation that employed “19 lawyers who were assisted by a team of 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and other professional staff. The Special Counsel issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed more than 500 search warrants… and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses.” How can Barr review this much evidence and condense it down to a 4 page summary in less than 48hours? Is he Clark Kent, Superman or has he given us another “Tasty Republican Duck”{3}? “If it looks like a lie, sounds like a lie, smells like a lie, feels like a lie, it’s a lie and you will get no justice” if you believe this 4 page piece of official crap.
While a cursory analysis of the summary may lead one to the conclusion that Trump was right and this was a “witch hunt.” A thorough examination of the document and its language reveals that Barr is up to his Iran-Contra tricks all over again.
- Page 2, paragraph 1- “The Special Counsel achieved a number of indictments and convictions of individuals and entities in connection with his investigation.” Barr carefully neglects to include their names and the fact that these convictions were of Trump’s campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, National Security Advisor, foreign policy advisor and his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen who was found guilty of campaign finance laws violations at and under the direction of the President who was named as an un-indicted co-conspirator.
- Page 2, paragraph 2- “As the report states: {T}he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian Government in its election interference activities.” On July 27, 2016, during a campaign rally Trump coordinated the hacking of the Democratic Party’s and Hilary Clinton’s emails with his statement: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” 12 Russian intelligence officials were indicted for doing exactly what Trump requested. The Barr summary uses the wording “Russian Government” which is an open omission of the acts that were committed on the part of the Russian government by Oligarchs controlled by Putin. These Oligarchs are avatars of the Russian Government. How is this not coordination?
- Page 2, paragraph 3 – “The Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA” (Internet Research Agency). Contrary to this statement there is ample evidence in the public domain that the Trump campaign did just that. In a GQ Magazine October 19, 2017 article titled “Is It Weird the Trump Campaign Shared Russian Propaganda Before the Election”{4} actual tweets used by the Trump campaigned which are the same tweet used by the IRA are provided.
- Footnote 1, page 2 – “In assessing potential conspiracy charges, the Special Counsel also considered whether the Trump campaign “coordinated” with Russian election interference activities. The Special Counsel defined “coordination” as an “agreement-tacit or express between the Trump campaign and the Russian government on election interference.” This is a cop-out. Example; two people that rob a bank are not innocent if there is no proof that the two bank robbers met before robbing the bank. If they are caught robbing the bank like Trump and the Russians robbed the American people of the 2016 election, “they are guilty and need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.” Trump and his cronies are guilty and need to go to prison.
- Page 3, paragraph 1, obstruction-of-justice – “the Special Counsel considered whether to evaluate the conduct under department standards governing prosecution and declination decisions but ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment.” Under justice department guidelines, a sitting president cannot be indicted or prosecuted so Mueller could not make a determination to prosecute the so-called-president. These guidelines are not found in the constitution and effectively makes the president the only individual in the country that is above the law. This is an illegal assertion on behalf of the Justice Depart which is a part of the Executive Branch that is controlled by so-called-president Donald J. Trump. The Special counsel did not draw a conclusion one-way-or-the other as to Trump’s guilt. Hence, the matter for obstruction which is not unlike the actions of Richard Nixon should be left up to the House of Representatives and not the Attorney General who instead found that Trump was innocent of obstruction. This decision is in-line with the 19-page memo that was his audition for the job. Barr’s job, based upon established Justice Department policy was to make a recommendation to Congress. This absolution of guilt issued by Barr which was not his to make, intentionally slants public opinion in favor of Trump while making it harder for Democrats to launch impeachment proceeding against him. This is very similar to a tactic employed by James Comey when he broke department policy by making public proclamations about Hilary Clinton’s emails. This tactic along with Russian interference guaranteed Trump’s victory over Hilary Clinton.
This “Tasty Republican Duck”, the Barr Summary of the Mueller Report is a scam. And, as American’s we are owed the entire report. Also, we should not have expected anything less from the man that auditioned for the position of Trump’s Attorney General. In reference to the Russia investigation and Mueller’s firing Barr stated: “Comey’s removal simply has no relevance to the integrity of the Russian investigation as it moves ahead.” On what planet does Trump’s open admission on National television to NBC anchor, Lester Holt that he fired Comey because of “this Russia thing” not have any relevance. In the unsolicited “Barr 19 Page Memo{5} to the Justice Department criticizing the Mueller Investigation Barr had this to say: “As I understand it, his theory is premised on a novel and legally insupportable reading of the law … Mueller should not be permitted to demand that the President submit to interrogation about alleged obstruction.” Also, Barr stated in the memo that he did not believe that in this particular case that the President could commit obstruction of justice. This memo which was published by the New York Times on June 8, 2018, was undoubtedly Barr’s audition and assurance to Trump that he was his guy and given the opportunity, Barr would protect him. Barr’s predetermined opinion of the Mueller investigation should have prevented him from ever becoming the Attorney General. But with stiff opposition from Democrats, the Republican Senate confirmed Barr, even after he refused to recuse himself from the investigation. The fix was in. Trump would be found innocent of obstruction-of-justice as evidenced by The Barr Summary of the Mueller Report. Strategically speaking, some of you may believe that in another reality, Barr should have been Arya’s first target.
On the illegal position taken by the Trump controlled Justice Department that a sitting president cannot be indicted, that position has been proven to be false. In a December 11, 2018, article published by LAWFARE, a detailed analysis of the rule-of-law as it is laid out in the constitution is presented. This article titled “Yes, the Constitution Allows Indictment of the President“{6} by constitutional scholars is a must read for every American Citizen. To adopt the opposite opinion is saying that the President of the United States can literally take out a gun and kill someone on national television and not suffer any consequences until after he leaves office. This is not what the constitution states.
The Republicans have chosen their theater-of-war in the form of the upcoming 2020 elections. With this Barr Summary, they have taken the high ground and executed a classic pincer maneuver. Considering the fact that Trump and the Republican Party have not implemented any safeguards to prevent Russian interference in the next election, the Democrats are poised to be used as cannon fodder and suffer a miserable and agonizing death in the next election. Even if they were to inspire the citizenry and win the popular vote, recent history has proven that the Democrats will lose. Their only viable option is to impeach Trump as swiftly as possible.
To impeach Trump, they have to decisively win the messaging battle. They have to expose to the American people, the traitorous crimes of the Republican Party and not just those of Trump. In 2016, Trump’s rallying call was to “drain the swamp and Make America Great Again.” At that time, the populace was almost as tired of Washington insiders and corruption as they currently are of Trump’s racism, misogyny, hate-speech and never-ending lies like his most recent exclamation that “the Mueller investigation completely exonerated me of any wrong-doings and crimes.” Democrats have to learn like Arya to be as fearless and cunning as a faceless man, refuse to fight the Republicans on their terms, change the battlefield and catch them by surprise while they celebrate their perceived victory.
The House has the obligation and responsibility to charge Trump with Articles of Impeachment even if the Republican Senate does not find him guilty. The strength of these actions will inspire the people and expose the Republicans for what they are, Putin’s puppets. The moral fiber of the American people despises conspirators and traitors almost as much as they hate weak leadership. The Democrats have to develop a message and a brand that encompasses the ideals of our Founding Fathers while exposing Trump and the Republican Party for who they really are. I hate to say it but, they can learn something from Trump. Messaging and courage are what is needed to win a war, especially in the bizzaro world that America has become. In the battle for the soul of our nation, it is time for the Democratic Party to “grow a pair”, show strong leadership, and “Impeach Trump or Lose In 2020 and Live Under Fascism!”
Linked Sources and Documentation
- Barr Summary of the Mueller Report, pdf – Barr Summary of the Mueller Report
- Barr/Bush pardons: https://fas.org/irp/offdocs/walsh/summpros.htm
- Tasty Republican Duck:
- Trump Campaign Russian tweets: https://www.gq.com/story/trump-campaign-shared-russian-propaganda
- Barr 19 Page Memo, pdf –Barr 19 Page Memo
- Yes the Constitution Allows Indictment of the President, pdf -“Yes, the Constitution Allows Indictment of the President“
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
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