The Fear Factor in American Politics
By Glen Reaux
In light of the 2018 midterm elections, the developments of the Mueller investigation, the president’s base, recent polls and the fears that Democrats have of discussing impeachment, politics seem to be more important than justice. Although this article in the beginning may feel like an editorial, it is not. It is an examination of facts that are more than obvious to most people in America.
Fact one – when Republicans are in control of anything from precincts to the White House, they wield power with a take-no-prisoners attitude. They operate single minded for the accomplishment of their goals. Republicans are fearless with their use of power, warlike. They create fear. They are on a mission and may heaven help you if you get in their way. Whether or not their use of power is abusive, destructive or on behalf of the general public is a topic for another discussion.
Fact two – when Democrats are in control they do not use power in the same manner as Republicans. They do not create fear nor do they unite with a take-no-prisoners attitude. In fact, they appear to be afraid to use the powers given to them by their constituents. At times they appear to be confused about a course of action, even spineless. Their Kumbaya approach is fine in times of peace or when you are dealing with a rational opponent. But, the Republican’s use of power is only rational to their leaders and the powers that drive them. They are in a constant state of war and to show weakness to an aggressor for any reason results in catastrophe. Democratic constituents deserve better.
A balance of power must be achieved between the two political parties or the Fear Factor in American Politics will forever TRUMP justice. The nation deserves better.
To better understand how to restore a balance of power between the two parties which will lead to better justice for America, one must take a look at how to raise a child, a thorough review of basic constitutional concepts of justice is necessary and an understanding of the psychology of fear.
In basic learning theory which is a key element in child psychology, it is understood that reinforcement or rewards lead to the repetition of an exhibited behavior. When a reward such as an exhibition of affection, hug, compliment or gift is applied immediately after a child does something (behavior), that behavior (positive or negative) immediately becomes reinforced and the child learns to expect such rewards whenever said behavior is exhibited. This reinforced behavior becomes imprinted upon the child. This series of events becomes a learned experience that will influence the manner in which the child will make decisions throughout his or her entire life. If the behavior was negative and it was reinforced with a reward, the child learns that if it does something wrong, good things will follow. Punishment is a process by which a consequence immediately follows a behavior which decreases the future frequency of that behavior. Like reinforcement, a stimulus can be added. If the child is punished instead of rewarded the outcome is totally different and a positive future can unfolded. These are the beginnings of an eleven year old bully who was never punished and would one day become president of the United States.
This eleven year old child, Donald Trump has never grown up. Although punishment is not an effective deterrent for this child at this point in time, the American public cannot afford to give rewards (enforcement) for his negative behavior. Rewards will only provide this child with a feeling of being more powerful. In the American criminal justice system, punishment is a form of justice resulting from a trial and politics should play no part in its application. Whether or not this president should be punished needs to be determined by a trial. Impeachment is a trial conducted by congress. Impeachment of a president which is a form of constitutional justice should not be a political football determined by polls, cronyism or fear of the consequences from a verdict nor retaliation from the president’s base. In a democracy, a majority of 51% rules not a cultish, presidential base of 35-40%.
The constitution of the United States has safeguards to protect the people from situations where politics and or public opinion may offer more palatable solutions than those provided by justice. Article II Section 4 of the constitution states: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. This clause created by the founding fathers is prophetic when placed in context to the existing climate in our country.
Investigations into the crimes committed by members of this administration have lead to what before now would have been considered an unbelievable number of indictments and convictions along with mountains of evidence that prove the president’s complicity in if not his actions of Treason, Bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Regardless of politics, public opinion or fear, Article II Section 4 of the constitution is the guide and solution to the corruption of this administration and the political cancers that infects our nation today.
The justice department, a department within the Executive Branch of government which is run by the president has a rule or opinion that a sitting president cannot be indicted. This is an opinion. It is not a law and is not found anywhere in the constitution. The justice department rule of not indicting a sitting president is a conflict of interest and also a rule of men, men in conflict with the constitution.
The constitution establishes that justice in America is based upon a government of laws not of men. So, since no man is above the law, aside from impeachment, the constitution also offers indictment and trial by a jury of your peers as a solution to the current corrupt administration. Our constitution is the path to justice. It is the rule of law and must be followed. In this democracy a majority of people can and should demand the justice guaranteed by the constitution. Democrats, Republicans and the people need to man-up, get a spine and proceed with impeachment or indictment of this president.
In the administration of the rule of law, there is nothing to be afraid of except by those who seek to avoid it. So why are the democrats and the American people fearful to administer it? Why do the Democrats appear to be spineless? The answer is fear. Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or is a threat. Its synonyms are terror, fright, fearfulness, horror, alarm, panic, agitation, trepidation, dread, consternation, dismay and distress. These emotions are used by Republicans and both conservative and moderate media outlets alike. When fear is wielded alongside political power the end result is subjugation and the acceptance by the masses of the status quo as a means of alleviating these emotions. The Republicans know this. The politics of fear also invokes paralysis of the mind, which brings about confusion, uncertainty and the destruction of society. In times of fear, religious people often seek solace and advice from the reading of their bibles, Korans, Torahs and other great books that provide moral guidance. The readings of these great books provide the knowledge needed to overcome adversity and the courage to do the right thing. In these troubled and fearful times in American politics when justice is fleeting and the fear factor of politics rule the day, perhaps the Democrats and the people can find the knowledge and courage needed by reading of the constitution and acting upon it. To do so would be the opposite of a spineless act. It can also bring about a balance of power between the two parties.
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