There are only two sides to this question. Every man must be for the United States or against it. There can be no neutrals in this war; only patriots and traitors. – Stephen Douglas
By Glen Reaux
Hero is a word that is often used but few understand just why using that word to describe a Washington insider is so extraordinary. There are very few people that this can apply to. Names that come to mind are Senator John McCain, President George H.W. Bush, President Teddy Roosevelt, President George Washington and President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and most recently Former FBI Director and Attorney General Robert S. Mueller III. Unlike the current Commander In Chief Donald J. Trump who feigned bone spurs to avoid military service, all of these men fought in wars to protect our country, served valiantly and were awarded medals for their service. John McCain whom Trump has hated with a passion like John Kennedy was injured in battle. He was also captured and tortured as a prisoner of war. Robert Mueller, a highly decorated Marine like John McCain also served in Vietnam. His service awards and commendations include: the Bronze Star Medal with Combat “V”, Purple Heart Medal, two Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals with Combat “V”, Combat Action Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with four service stars, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, and Parachutist Badge. When his military commendations and public service to our government is taken into account, the question of why he dishonored himself and his distinguished career before Congress and the American people must be asked. After such a shameful performance on national television which was one of the most critical events in our country’s history, the public needs to know why “America’s Hero Mueller Turned Traitor and Sold Out His Country”? Instead of testifying as a witness, he answered questions as a Republican that did not want to embarrass his president or party. His answers were very calculated and incomplete when answering questions from Democrats and he refused to defend himself against attacks by Republicans and their misrepresentations of the report and evidence of the case. He owes the people of this country an explanation.
The answer is complicated and without an explanation from Mueller himself, a thorough examination of his sworn Congressional testimony and the events that led up to his performance must be done. Once completed, you may be able to determine an answer that will satisfy your disappointment in his testimony. Because, quite frankly on the surface, considering Trump’s benefit from the fiasco and Mueller’s service to this nation it makes no sense, absolutely none at all. As a former Marine officer, he has frequently used the term simper fi which is short for simper fidelis. It means “always faithful” or “always loyal.” Although Trump has never been a Marine, Mueller is obviously more loyal to him than the veterans that served with him, the Marine Corps or this country.
EVENT 1 – Release of Mueller Report, March 14,2019
On March 24, 2019, Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team completed their two-year investigation into Russian election interference and potential criminal misconduct on the part of the so-called-president Donald J. Trump. The report was immediately turned over to Trump’s Chief Legal Counsel, Attorney General William Barr. Unlike all prior investigations into a president, the Attorney General refused to release the report to Congress or any of the evidence that was accumulated during the course of the investigation. Instead, Barr immediately held a press conference and released a 4-page summary of the report. This has never been done in the history of our nation. Barr broke all norms and precedents that had been established and respected by all other Attorneys Generals that held the office prior to him. The normal procedure is for the Attorney General to simultaneously release copies of the report along with all evidence to both houses of Congress without releasing a summary first. Each of the two volumes of the report has a summary at its beginning. Barr’s summary misrepresented the findings of the 450-page report and declared the president innocent of any wrongdoings. Mueller never had the power to charge the president with any crimes and his report did not find him innocent of any wrongdoings. In fact, his findings were just the opposite.
Barr Summary of the Mueller Report
On March 25th, one day later, Mueller realizing what Barr had done, to his credit sent Barr a letter including the introduction and executive summary for each volume of the report. Barr ignored the letter of March 25th which prompted Mueller to send a second letter on March 27th explaining that Barr should release the report’s introduction and summaries to the congress as soon as possible. Again, Barr ignored Mueller’s letter which is presented below.
Mueller-Letter-to-Barr March 27_2019
Event 2 – Mueller’s Press Conference, May 29, 2019
Two months of heated confrontations between House Democrats and AG Barr led to Democrats filing several suits in court to obtain an unredacted version of the Mueller Report with all accompanying evidence. Democrats had also contacted Mueller informing him that they wanted him to appear before Congress to testify about the investigation. Feeling pressure from the Democrats some of whom had spoken of issuing a subpoena to Mueller who was reluctant to appear before Congress, Mueller decided to hold a press conference to explain his position. Mueller at the opening of the press conference informed everyone that he was making a statement and would not be taking any questions afterward. What followed was shocking especially coming from someone that was considered to be one of America’s greatest heroes and the bedrock of justice and law enforcement.
In summary, the essence of Mueller’s press conference informed the Democrats and the world that one of the most experienced Attorney Generals in the history of this country was no longer going to stand for justice. Instead, he was placing Party first over country and siding with the Republican Party whose current leader is Donald J. Trump, the very man that he investigated and stated in his report that Trump was not exonerated. In his report, Mueller cited 10 cases of obstruction-of-justice committed by Trump. Mueller, knowing that Trump’s campaign had 242 contacts with Russians, had not only welcomed their help but had cooperated with the Russians to pull an electoral coup d’e’etat informed Congress and the American public that he was giving Trump a get out of jail free card.
Just what did Mueller’s press conference mean in the big picture of holding Putin’s President, Donald Trump accountable for his crimes? As one of the most experienced criminal prosecutors, Mueller knew that he was crippling the Congress’ attempt to hold Trump accountable. Mueller’s warning to Congress not to subpoena him could only be seen as politically motivated. Without his cooperation, the odds favored Trump getting away with his crimes against this country, the country that Mueller had been in service to throughout his entire adult life. As a Marine officer, Mueller took the following oath:
“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
After leaving the Marine Corps and joining the Department of Justice, Mueller took a similar oath which happens to be the same oath of office taken by the Republican Senators that are now protecting the president from the law:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
The two oaths have the following statements in common:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same;…So help me God.”
Judging from Mueller’s press conference and his resignation from office, it has become obvious that he no longer feels bound by these oaths despite the fact that he has lived by them nearly his entire life. Instead, he has decided to betray his country and place loyalty to party over country. Mueller knew that the Justice Department would not prosecute Trump and that the Justice Department under Barr has been doing everything possible to protect Trump and obstruct Congress’ investigation. Mueller knew that impeachment is the only remedy to hold Trump accountable for his crimes. Since Trump to this day has denied that Russia ever interfered in the election, Mueller knew that Trump would not protect the nation from further election interference by the Russians and possibly other hostile foreign actors. With this evidence staring him in the face, it had to be obvious that Donald Trump is a domestic enemy to the constitution that Mueller needed to protect the country from. Instead of doing his duty as an America citizen at the very least, he threatened the Democratic-controlled Congress and warned them not to subpoena him because he would not perform his duty to this country.
His duty like that of any American citizen was to be a fully cooperative witness in the investigation into a possibly corrupt president. His open acts of defiance which were exhibited in his press conference precipitated the subpoena to appear before Congress. Still, in attempts to facilitate Mueller’s participation, Congress negotiated with Mueller for his testimony at which time Mueller informed Congress of his terms for testimony. A subpoena from Congress requires mandatory compliance and negotiations with a witness is not a requirement of Congress. To make Congress’ job even harder, on July 10th Mueller requested a letter from Barr which would limit his ability to testify by ordering him to stick to the content of the report only. This actin on Mueller’s part would prevent the Congress from investigating the context of the evidence, discussions and analysis that were used to make the determinations which formed the final conclusions reached in the report. These things are vital to any investigation necessary tools to prove guilt of a suspect, in this case Donald J. Trump. Here is the letter issued by Deputy Attorney General Bradley Weinsheimer.
Barr Letter to Mueller on Congressional Testomony
EVENT 3 – Mueller’s Testimony July, 24, 2019
The Judicial Committee hearing started with Committee Chairman Gerald Nadler thanking Mueller for coming to testify and for his service to the nation. Throughout the day other Democratic members of the committee did the same. After which, Mueller took the oath and then read his opening statement. The Congressional Testimony oath is as follows:
“Do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” to which he responded “I do.”
Here is a copy of Mueller’s opening statement. In paragraph 4 of page 2, Mueller comments that it is unusual for a prosecutor to testify in a criminal investigation which is true. However, the constitution gives Congress the responsibility and power of oversight over the Executive Branch which includes the Justice Department. And, when Congress is confronted with the unusual circumstances of having to deal with the possibility of a corrupt president and a Justice Department that has gone to extraordinary lengths to impede their investigations, then Congress has the legal right to require and use unusual tactics to get at the truth. Mueller should have complied with the wishes of Congress. Instead, he defied Congress and stonewalled them at every turn.
Muellers Opening Statement 07252019 Congressional Testimonial on Trump
Mueller testified before the Judiciary Committee in the morning and the Intelligence Committee in the afternoon. The manner in which he testified, the way in which he elaborated on certain topics and the amount of information that he was willing to provide was markedly different between the two committees.
During his testimony before the judiciary committee, he limited his answers to yes, no, I defer to the report and I will not comment on that. The latter was especially disturbing because he did not say that he could not comment. He stated that he would not comment which was a violation of his oath to tell “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God.” The Judiciary Committee is investigating possible illegal acts of obstruction-of-justice committed by Donald Trump, the head of his party. Through the course of his testimony, Mueller answered with one-word responses 178 times. He refused to explain his answers and told Congressional members to refer to his report. He deflected or declined to answer nearly 200 times which clearly showed his refusal to be a cooperating witness or comply with his oath to testify. Also, in the face of more than a dozen attacks by Republicans upon his character or his investigation, he refused to defend himself or the report. Only once when members of his team were attacked by Republicans for their political affiliation or former support for Hilary Clinton did he speak out. The Democrats launched no such attacks. However, in an exchange with Representative Ted Lieu, Mueller agreed that he did not indict Trump because of the Office of Legal Counsel ruling which prohibits the indictment of a sitting president. At the beginning of the Intelligence Committee hearing, Mueller backtracked from that assertion and stated that he stands by the language of his report.
In the afternoon he testified before the House Intelligence Committee. Like the morning Session, Chairman Adam Schiff and the rest of the Democrats showered him with praise for his service to his country. For this committee, a totally different Robert Mueller was present to testify. Mueller willingly participated in the questioning and few answers were limited to one or two words. He openly volunteered concerns for what the Russians did to our elections but at no time during the entire day did he volunteer any concerns about what the president did. Here are a few highlights of the Mueller testimony.
Throughout his testimony, Mueller refused to read from his report. Reading from the record by a witness is a time-honored tradition and tactic used by both prosecutors and defense attorneys. In many situations, it is needed to convince juries of the urgency and dangers of a given situation or individual. In this case, the jury is the American people. Mueller would have none of this. Mueller does not have the right to determine the manner in which he should testify. That privilege has never before been granted. But in a last-ditch effort to inform the American public about the dangers of this so-called-president and want-to-be dictator, Democrats succumbed to the demands of the Republican Party through Robert Mueller’s wishes. In doing so, they weakened the American people and the institution of the Congress and made America less safe. Such concessions will only erode the power of Congress and make the oversight of this and future presidents nearly impossible.
Here are some highlights from Mueller’s testimony.
Despite the questions, you may have asked or the answers that you arrived at during your assessment of Mueller’s testimony, the facts are as plain as the nose on your face. Mueller, the highly decorated Marine that was injured in Vietnam defending his country, without shame asked Bill Barr to restrict his testimony to provide him with an excuse. He became a Republican stooge, turned his back on his country and turned traitor to the benefit of Donald J. Trump. As if Trump were a fellow Marine, Mueller threw himself on a grenade and saved Trump, the very coward that faked a medical condition to avoid serving his country in Vietnam. Can his treachery be blamed on Trumpoid fever a disease that infects the host with the madness exhibited by Trump? If not, was he being a loyal soldier of the Republican Party attempting to protect it from the damages that would cost the Republican’s the next election if Trump were to be impeached? Regardless of the motivation, his disgraceful actions should cause you to question if Mueller is truly America’s hero or just another one of Trump’s worthless minions blinded to the consequences of his own actions?
In this war for the soul of our nation, as a citizen of the United States you must keep in mind what Stephen Douglas one of this nation’s greatest patriots said:
“There are only two sides to this question. Every man must be for the United States or against it. There can be no neutrals in this war; only patriots and traitors.”
Transcripts of Mueller’s Judiciary Committee hearing and the Mueller report are provided below.
Linked Sources and Documentation
- Transcript of Judiciary Committee Hearing: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/full-transcript-robert-mueller-house-committee-testimony-n1033216
- Mueller Report Volume I: https://www.dropbox.com/s/syc87tf1btjmnyl/Mueller-Report%20Volume%20I%20Russian%20Collusion.pdf?dl=0
- Mueller Report Volume II: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ua4ws0hfgl85uml/Mueller-Report%20Volume%20II%20Obstruction-of-justice.pdf?dl=0
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
Again, well written and researched. Someone had to go there and I support that move . We all have to stand up and call an injustice for what it is no matter how painful . Keep up the great reporting. We need people like yourself to stand and tell the truth.
Nelson Martinez