“The world does not need white people to civilize others. The real White People’s Burden is to civilize ourselves.” – Robert Jensen
By Glen Reaux
In light of the recent mass shootings in El Paso, Dayton and the Gilroy Garlic Festival in the suburbs of San Francisco California, so-called-president Donald J. Trump, on August 5th made a 10-minute statement to the nation {1}. While it was obvious that he was having trouble either reading from the teleprompter or staying on message, what was even more shocking was his lack of empathy or feelings of remorse for the victims and their surviving family members. During the course of his speech, he blamed the internet, mental health and even video games. Although he condemned “racism, bigotry and white supremacy” he did not cast blame directly upon the white supremacist segment of his base that he has lovingly showered praise upon. Jordan Anchondo, the El Paso mass murderer is a member of this base. Remember, during the 2017 Charlottesville incident a peaceful protestor was murdered by a crazed white nationalist that plowed into a crowd of people and ran over her with a car. Neo-Nazis and other white supremacist marched through the streets carrying tiki torches loudly chanting “Jews will not replace us!” The very next day, in a national address, Trump referred to them as “very fine people.” When these incidents are placed in context to Trump’s actions, it is no wonder that during the closing of his speech, at 9:28 he stated; “May God bless the memory of those who perished in Toledo” That’s right he said “Toledo.” Nine unsuspecting and innocent people were murdered by one of his supporters in the streets of Dayton, not Toledo and Trump doesn’t care enough to remember that on national TV. It’s actions like the ones exhibited by Trump during his address that would lead one to believe that while Trump is in office, this country will continue to plagued by “The El Paso Shooter’s Manifesto, White Nationalism and Their Race War.”
For the first time in his presidency, he condemned hatred and white supremacy and along with that. he laid out a series of initiatives that should be taken to prevent more mass shootings.
- “First, we must do a better job of identifying and acting on early warning signs.”
- “Second, we must stop the glorification of violence in our society. This includes the gruesome and grisly video games that are now commonplace.”
- “Third, we must reform our mental health laws to better identify mentally disturbed individuals who may commit acts of violence and make sure those people not only get treatment, but, when necessary, involuntary confinement. Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun.”
- “Fourth, we must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that, if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process. That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders.”
Trump’s address to the nation about the mass shootings was possibly the most hypocritical speech that any American President has ever made.
- In response to initiative #1 – Since the beginning of Trump’s administration, he has trashed the very government institutions that would be responsible for the implementation of this initiative. Instead of inspiring confidence in these institutions, he has berated them and crippled their abilities to be effective with unqualified appointments of key personnel.
- “Stop the glorification of violence in our society” – throughout his campaigns and tenure in office, Trump has encouraged violence and even directed police to violate the civil rights of suspects. According to Trump at a January 23, 2016 rally; “I could stand in the middle of fifth avenue and shoot someone and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” At a 2016 campaign rally, Trump encouraged supporters: “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them,” … “I’ll pay the legal fees,”
- “Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger, not the gun” – to effectively address mental illness, people need health insurance. But, due to Trump’s attack on healthcare, as of August 2018, 4 million people have lost their health insurance because of Trump. Despite Trump’s deflections by stating that mass shooters are mentally ill, Statistics show that the mentally are most often victims of violence and not the perpetrators.
- “That is why I have called for red flag laws,” – The Republican Party now led by Donald Trump has effectively blocked all gun control legislation that has come before Congress over the past two decades. Under President Bill Clinton, a 10-year assault weapons ban was put in place. In 2004, after Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein attempted to extend the bill for 10 more years, the Republican –controlled Senate voted it down and the assault weapons ban expired. While Trump is openly mouthing “red flag laws,” since he has been in office he has opposed all gun control legislation and his administration has made it easier for the mentally ill and convicted felons to acquire weapons.
While Republicans have blocked all attempts at gun control legislation during the Trump administration, their leader has stoked the flames of hatred, racism and xenophobia all of which motivate the alt-right which consist of the KKK, white nationalist, white supremacist, neo-Nazis and other racist hate groups. These groups represent a significant portion of Trump’s base and advocate for a race war for the purpose of making America an all-white nation. Hate groups annually purchase thousands of guns which include assault rifles (like the one used in mass shootings) and espouse a doctrine of White Supremacy which mirrors the hate speech of Donald Trump. Trump has professed a racist doctrine as far back as the 1970s. In 1989 when he called for the execution of 5 black and Hispanic teens wrongfully convicted of raping a white woman, Trump stated, “It’s more than anger it’s hatred, and I want society to hate them!”
A Vox, July 15, 2019, article titled “Donald Trump’s Long History of Racism, from the 1970s to 2019” {3) Trump’s racist activities and speech which include his behavior as President are listed in chronological order. Upon review of this incredible list of racist behavior, it is easy to understand why Trump as President of the United States is also the de facto leader of the white nationalist movement in America. He is so effective as the mouthpiece for the KKK and neo-Nazis that El Paso mass shooter and murderer, Patrick Crusius used Trump’s language in his online manifesto “The Inconvenient Truth” which was posted online just minutes before he walked into the WalMart and murdered 22 people and wounded more than 20 other people, most of whom were Hispanics.
On page 1 of the 4-page manifesto, Patrick Crusius wrote:
“This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” Here is the complete, unredacted and frightening manifesto of the killer, one of Trump’s supporters, white supremacist and white terrorist.
El Paso Mass Shooter Manifesto the Inconvenient Truth
This is a very thought-out, organized and well-written document. This appears to be more of a statement from a hateful and racist Trump supporter and not that of a confused and disoriented mentally ill person as Trump would have you believe. The only mental illness that he may be suffering from is the new phenomenon of Trump-fever.
Operating as President of the United States and running for re-election, Trump with much greater resources than Patrick Crusius spent more than one million dollars to purchase 2,000 plus Facebook ads pushing the idea of a migrant invasion. This purchase of facebook ads galvanizes the alt-right and is a rallying cry for more hatred and violence. Never before in American history have the KKK, neo-Nazis, white nationalist, white supremacist and other racists of all ages united behind a single leader. Trump has infected this nation with a form of racism so diabolical that the American lexicon must be amended to so that the phenomenon can be truly appreciated. White Nationalism has been replaced with “Trump-fever.” Trump is no longer America’s President. He is now an epidemic that has infected the soul of this nation with a disease that with the help of Steve Bannon undoubtedly, is becoming a pandemic that threatens democracies across the entire world.
Under the new Grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, Donald Trump, the white nationalist movement has turned into a violent white terrorist movement. George P. Bush, a Texas politician, son of former Florida Republican Governor Jeb Bush and grandson of former Republican President George H.W. Referring to the El Paso shooters actions as white terrorism, Bush commented:
“I believe fighting terrorism remains a national priority,” …”And that should include standing firm against white terrorism.”
“There have now been multiple attacks from self-declared white terrorists here in the US in the last several months,” … “This is a real and present threat that we must all denounce and defeat.”
Bush’s tweet was very similar to remarks made by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who previously called upon politicians to call out white supremacy as a form of “domestic terrorism” during the first night of the July Democratic primary debates on CNN.
“We need to call out white supremacy for what it is: domestic terrorism. And it poses a threat to the United States of America,” the senator said on Tuesday.
During a July Senate hearing, FBI Director Christopher Wray informed the committee that white supremacist-related cases now make up the majority of the agency’s caseload for domestic terror arrests.
“I will say that a majority of the domestic terrorism cases that we’ve investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacist violence, but it does include other things as well,” was his testimony to the committee.
According to FBI statistics, hate groups have increased by more than 30% since Trump took office. Police brutality and the murder of unarmed Black citizens including children by law enforcement officers have been on the rise since Trump in a 2017 speech told police to “rough them up.” This a violation of a suspects civil rights and an illegal act.
Trump’s willingness to ignore, and at times encourage, the threat of white nationalist violence is providing a politically challenging environment for law enforcement agencies, according to The Washington Post. Speaking to the Post, Dave Gomez, a former FBI supervisor specializing in terrorism cases, said he believes FBI officials are wary of wading into what looks like a political fight:
“I believe [FBI Director] Christopher A. Wray is an honorable man, but I think in many ways the FBI is hamstrung in trying to investigate the white supremacist movement like the old FBI would,” according to Gomez. “There’s some reluctance among agents to bring forth an investigation that targets what the president perceives as his base. It’s a no-win situation for the FBI agent or supervisor.”
In a research study done by the University of North Texas, evidence provided by the study found that in counties where Trump held a 2016 campaign rally, hate crimes increased by 226% in the following months. Since the election, Trump has continued to escalate his rhetoric toward immigrants. In May of this year, at a rally in Panama City Beach, Trump referred to again Central American migrants as an “invasion.” He then asked the crowd, “How do you stop these people?” After someone shouted, “Shoot them,” Trump laughed and replied “That’s only in the Panhandle you can get away with that statement. Only in the Panhandle!”
The evidence is indisputable that our nation is in a crisis caused by Donald Trump. As the most powerful man in the world, speaking from the bully pulpit of the presidency, he has become a domestic enemy of the constitution. He is the de facto leader of a white nationalist movement intent on a race war with the hope of overthrowing the American government. Never before in American history have the KKK, neo-Nazis, white nationalist, white supremacist and other racists of all ages united behind a single leader. America is in grave danger. As if Russian interference in the 2020 election is not a big enough threat, what is more frightening is what may happen if Trump looses the election. In 2016, during a presidential debate, Trump stated that the only result from the 2016 election that he would accept was one of victory. Come 2020, this new “Grand Wizard” of white nationalism may cause a race war to maintain control of the country. The constitution of the United States does not provide any remedies for removing a president form office if he looses an election. According to the FBI, there are 300 known white supremacy groups totaling more that 25,000 members that may be willing to use terrorism as a means to keep Trump in office while the battle for this country plays out in court. There has never been this great a threat to our democracy on American soil and everyday Americans need to realize this before Trump-fever becomes an uncontrollable epidemic leading to Trump Land becoming a reality.
Trump, the new “Grand Wizard” has only recently spoken out against white nationalism, albeit without any passion or sincerity. His speech to the nation was a ruse designed in such a way as to inform his base of white nationalist, KKK and neo-Nazis that despite the words that were being forced out of his mouth, his lack of sincerity was a sign of his approval for racism, white terrorism and white nationalism aka Trump-fever. Evidence to support this assertion was provided when according to a story in the The New York Times, “The Trump campaign was unapologetic on Tuesday about a New York Times report on its Facebook advertisements that use the word ‘invasion.” A senior Trump campaign official had a single-word answer when asked if the campaign would change the tenor of its ads, he emphatically replied “NO!”
Now the cries of “Heil Hitler”, “Heil Trump” and “shoot them” will grow much louder as Trump-fever spreads across what was once a great nation promoting the El Paso Shooter’s Manifesto, White Nationalism and Their Race War.
Linked Sources and Documentation
- Trump’s Speech pdf: Trump Speech on Mass Shootiings 08052019
- El Paso Shooter’s Manifesto: El Paso Mass Shooter Manifesto the Inconvenient Truth
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved