“To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” ― Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt , Republican President
By Glen Reaux
This is a re-posting of March article.
In light of the recent Robert Mueller, Special Counsel report and the infamous attempt by Attorney General William Barr to clear his boss, so-called President Donald Trump of any wrongdoing, Republican lawmakers have begun to sing the so-called president’s favorite tune, “no collusion, no obstruction, complete exoneration.” Despite the Barr summary which appears to have exonerated the so-called president from collusion with the Russians, it did not exonerate him of obstruction-of-justice. And, according to recent polls, the collusion with Russia issue is still up in the air even after the release of the actual report to the public. Also, according to a poll conducted by PBS, a vast majority of Americans, 56% believe that the Mueller Report does not clear Trump of any wrongdoings. That said, they need to follow in Adam Schiff’s footsteps. With his denouncement statement “It’s not okay” Adam Schiff proves Senate Republicans are as guilty as Trump. The American people need to stand up and say; “I’m Mad As Hell! It’s Not Okay! I’m Not Taking It anymore!” The American people need to do it now.
Members of the Republican Party much like the Fascist Party of 1933 Germany in their support of Adolph Hitler, are attacking all members of the Democratic Party that have refused to accept Barr’s conclusion which on-the-surface, appears to clear Trump of all behavior associated with Russian collusion or obstruction-of-justice. Democrats are proceeding with their investigations into Trump’s behavior with subpoenas of Trump administration staffers, former staffers, Attorney General William Barr and Special Counsel Robert Mueller. By doing so, Democrats are attempting to get to the truth about Russian interference in the 2016 elections and the possible collusion on the part of the Trump administration with the Russians. Basically, the Democrats believe that they are fighting for the American people as evidenced by recent polls that show, the people don’t believe that Trump has been exonerated by the Barr summary. The American people want to see the entire unredacted Mueller Report. In three simple words they are saying to the Barr summary and of Trump’s behavior, “It’s Not Okay!” Sadly, due to the fact that many American citizens are victims of the Republican beliefs and tactics of “if you say a lie loud enough and long enough people will believe it.”
Although it is nearly impossible to prove that individual members of the Republican Party or its leadership have conspired with so-called-president Trump to deliver a concerted propaganda message of “no collusion, no obstruction, complete exoneration”, the mere fact that they are all shouting at the top of their collective voices the same mantra is proof that they are all on the same page with Trump. Much like members of the Nazi Party during the Hitler regime, party members are using the same attack tactics to destroy or discredit those who are brave enough to speak the truth in opposition to the Trump-regime.
On Thursday, March 28th, during a House Intelligence Committee Hearing which was taking testimony on intelligence activities of the Russians, all nine Republican members of the committee called for Representative Adam Schiff of California, the current Chairman of the committee to step down. The Republican members presented a letter that was admitted into the record declaring that Schiff in his pursuit of the truth was immoral and abused his power as Chairman of the Committee and called for his immediate resignation. This tactic as usual, is a coordinated attack with the so-called president. Schiff did not resign and in rebuttal to the accusations, he proceeded to lay out the case for the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia as it is common knowledge in the public domain. In a speech which has now become known as one of the most powerful congressional speeches in recent history, now known as the “Adam Schiff, It’s Not Okay Speech”, Schiff elicited Republican outrage which led to their open denials in the committee chamber. Schiff was very demonstrative, calm, cool, collected and logically presented the evidence. Also, he pointed out the facts that although the evidence warranted further investigation, Republicans were Okay with Trump’s behavior. According to Schiff, Republican lawmakers were okay with Trump committing crimes, possibly even treason against the nation. Schiff continued to denounce the actions of Trump, his campaign and the Republican Party’s complicity by default actions. Schiff’s denouncement was an affirmation that, in the eyes of the Democratic Party and the American people, ”It’s Not Okay!” Schiff then presented overwhelming evidence of collusion on the part of the Trump administration and of its acceptability with the Republican Party who are now undeniably acting as his minions.
Click here to download the pdf transcript of –> Adam Schiff It’s Not Okay Speech
In 1976, the satirical hit-movie Movie Network was released. It starred Faye Dunaway as a network TV Executive, Ned Beatty as the charismatic Arthur Jensen, CEO of the parent company CCA, and Peter Finch as the UBS network’s prime-time, news anchor Howard Beale, an aging dinosaur of a journalist trying to save his quickly fading career.
In the movie, due to plummeting ratings, Beale vows to commit suicide on national television. Unintentionally, Beale’s threat caused his rating to go through the roof. As his career began to revive he stumbles upon the zeitgeist of the American populace which was representative of the Silent majority. Beale’s Silent majority much like the American people of today was disgruntled and disgusted with the state of the nation. The message communicated in this movie was as, if not more powerful than Ronald Reagan’s “Let’s Make America Great Again” theme which was hijacked and bastardized by Donald Trump with his “Make America Great Again.” The message from Chairman Schiff, “It’s Not Okay” was inspirational and reminiscent of the message from Howard Beale, the UBS news anchor in Network: “I’m a human being God damn it!… I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” Upon identifying with Beal’s message, millions of people stopped what they were doing, stuck their heads out of their windows and screamed at the top of their voices, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”
The mood of the people in the move is very similar to that of millions of Americans in relation to their feelings about Donald Trump and the state of Trump-land. Right now, Americans should be shouting “I’m a human being God damn it!” “It’s Not OK! I’m not taking it anymore!”™ Americans outraged over Trump and the Republican lawmakers recently renewed attacks on the Affordable Care Act in an attempt to deny healthcare to the American people should be shouting “Go to hell! It’s not OK! You’re not taking away my healthcare!”™
But sadly, Trump appears to have mesmerized his followers to the point where daily lies totaling more than 8,000 to date is acceptable. They have been mesmerized to the point where they actually support him on policies and legislation to their own detriment. Trump’s effect on his followers is proof that truth is stranger than fiction. Trump shares the ideology of Arthur Jensen which is that “the world is a business.” In the fictional movie Network, the CCA, CEO Arthur Jensen played by actor Ned Beatty realizes that Beale’s popularity and message despite their positive impact on ratings and increase in profits are having a negative impact on his master plan. To set Beale back on the right path, like Trump speaking to his “MAGA” followers, he gives Beale a speech. And as expected, not unlike Trump, his speech inspires Beale in such a way that he exclaims in awe “I have seen the face of God.” Beale’s revelation is not dissimilar to the way that Trumpites perceive their leader. Like Howard Beale, despite peril to their own existence, Trumpites unwittingly go out into the world and do his bidding.
Trump’s mesmerizing leadership aside from being similar to CCA’s Arthur Jensen, is not very different from that of another leader, Jim Jones. Under Jones, cult leader of the People’s Temple, on November 18, 1978, 909 people committed suicide by voluntarily or forcibly drinking Kool-Aid laced with poison. This event is the origin of the axiom “don’t drink the Kool-Aid.” Like Arthur Jensen and Trump, Jones’ followers believed in him as if he were the Messiah. They followed him everywhere, did whatever he wanted and in their eyes, he could do no wrong. This eventually led to their deaths. At the moment of their deaths, those who did not voluntarily drink the poisonous Kool-aid were forced at gunpoint to drink it. Similarly, Trump’s followers who do not voluntarily accept his desire to obliterate Obama Care and lose their healthcare are forced by use of Trump’s Executive Office to do so. There is no difference between what Jones did and what Trump is currently doing. The end result is a lot of people are going to die. Hopefully, Trumpites will wake-up in time to avoid the fate of Jim Jones’ followers.
Today, in Trump-land, a country that use to be known as the bastion of freedom and globally recognized as the champion of democracy, America has become ostracized. “It’s not okay!”
- Trump’s State Department has insulted long-standing allies while he has taken actions to destroy NATO. “It’s Not Okay!”
- Trump has praised dictators Rodrigo Duterte, Vladimir Putin and claimed that he is in love with Kim Jong Un. “It’s Not Okay!”
- Trump’s foreign policy of racism religious bias against Muslims with his Muslim Travel Ban has drawn worldwide criticism
- Trump’s foreign policy which dissolved the nuclear treaty with Iran and heightened tensions in the middle-east “Is Not Okay!”
- Trump’s destruction of America’s position as the leader of the free world by gutting the State Department “Is Not Okay!”
- Trump’s acceptance of Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s sanctioned murder of the Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi “Is Not Okay!”
- Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris climate change treaty “Is Not Okay!”
- Trump’s attempt to override Congress’s constitutional power over the American budget so that he can build a useless and senseless wall “Is Not Okay!”
- Trump’s theft and bastardization of Ronald Reagan’s “Let’s Make America Great Again” rally cry and use of it to destroy America “Is Not Okay!”
- Trump’s racist immigration policies which will gut foreign-aide to Central American countries, denied asylum to persecuted refugees, by design has separated migrant children from their parents, cages them like animals and in many situations will make it impossible for them to ever see their parents again is not only illegal, it is unAmerican, sadistic, sick, inhuman and “Is Not Okay!”
Setting aside the argument of Trump’s collusion with the Russians or his obvious admission to obstruction-of-justice on national television, it is time for the Republican lawmakers to stop acting like his minions and tell Trump “It’s not okay” to side with Putin over all 23 of America’s intelligence agencies that proved Russia interfered in our 2016 national elections or for him to attack our law enforcement and judicial institutions of courts, judges and the FBI.
The Republican leadership has to say to Trump “It’s not okay” to become Putin’s lapdog, travel to Helsinki, bend the knee and kiss the ring of Vladimir Putin who has threatened America with nuclear destruction and is president of Russia the country that Ronald Reagan considered to be “The Evil Empire.” at Helsinki
It’s time for the Republican lawmakers to stop being his accomplices, take pride in their history, honor and follow the teachings one of the party’s greatest presidents, statesman and war hero who said: “To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.” ― Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
Now is the time for Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Vice President Mike Pence and the Republican Party leadership to stop being morally treasonous, cast off that “yeller belly”, strengthen their backbones, become American again, place the “country before party” and together with the America people grow a pair, stand up to Trump and Putin and with gut-wrenching disgust let them both know that “It’s Not OK! I’m Not Taking It Anymore!”™
If they don’t do this, then it’s time for Republican voters to revolt and join other Americans, stick their heads out of windows, march through the streets and like the disgruntled people in the movie Network shout at the top of their lungs:
“I’m a human being God damn it!” “It’s Not OK! I’m Not Taking It Anymore!”™
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved