“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear.” – Frank Herbert
By Glen Reaux
“I don’t care what they talked about. He didn’t do anything. The point is the president did not impede Mueller from doing his investigation,” Graham said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” This statement by Lindsey Graham the Senior Republican senator from South Carolina is not only indicative of the actions of the Republican Party but is also an election precursor to 2020 The Fall of Democracy and the Birth of Fascism. However, this statement by Graham should not be shocking to the non-Trumpion American citizenry. For it is not only wrong, but is also both the truth and a lie. The statement is true in its open support of Trump when Graham said: “I don’t care what they talked about.” Like the rest of the Republican leadership who have become known as Trump’s loyal minions, they are as corrupt as their president and just as beholding to Putin for their economic support and control over their power base. However, like Trump, his lips moved so everything else that he said was a lie. “He didn’t do anything” is a lie. According to U.S. law, Trump obstructed justice whether he succeeded in his attempt or not. Considering Trump’s corruption, Republicans minions and Trump’s attempts to solicit foreign interference in our elections, the next election in “2020 Will Be The Death of Democracy and the Birth of Fascism.”
Obstruction-of-justice definition {1}{2}: “18 U.S.C. § 1503 defines “obstruction of justice” as an act that “corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
Clarification: “endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice.”
Definition of endeavor: verb – try hard to do or achieve something. noun – an attempt to achieve a goal.
Basically, the definition and the statute plainly state that if someone tries to obstruct justice that person has committed the crime of obstruction whether or not the attempt was successful. This means that the dishonorable Senator from S.C. Lindsey Graham lied when he said, “The point is the president did not impede Mueller from doing his investigation.” It is this same kind of blatant lying and support for a want-to-be dictator that in 1933 Germany led to the Rise of the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler. Only this is America and such a hideous and disastrous thing cannot happen here. Right? It’s time to take off the rose-colored glasses and see America the way it really is today. Trump-land is here and America is no more. You are now living through an identical “Twilight Zone” period that saw the fall of a free German republic and the rise of the darkest period on Earth in modern times. Due to the corruption of the Republican Party and either overt cowardice or analysis paralysis of the Democratic Party, you are living through the fall of democracy and the rise of fascism in America.
To get a better grasp on the reality before you, the American lexicon must be expanded. Here are our additions to the American lexicon:
- Trumpsim – the political philosophy of hate, divisiveness, racism, victimization and inhumane treatment espoused by so-called-president Donald J. Trump
- Trumpian – the negative social and political climate created by Trump’s actions and political philosophy
- Trumpions – political leaders that act as Trump’s minions blindly and happily doing his bidings
- Trumpite – citizens that are avid followers of Trump and practitioners of his political philosophy
- Trump-land – America under Trump’s rule
In Trump-land democracy will completely fail by the year 2020. This is not a prediction but a statement based upon an acute assessment of the toxic political environment of Trump-land. Currently, Trump’s principal nemesis, the Democratic Party is afraid to make decisions based upon what is right or wrong. Instead, they are playing right into Trump’s hands by making decisions based upon politics and not the rule-of-law. They are so afraid that impeachment will offend and incite Trump’s base. They are also afraid that impeachment will further divide the country. Wake up. Under Trump the divisiveness will only get worse. Out of this fear, they continue to bring a butter knife to a gunfight resulting in a continued butt whipping being given to them by Trump. When Trump goes low and cuts their legs out from under them, they politely go high, fall flat on their faces and get nothing accomplished. They end up looking foolish in the eyes of the American public and the rest of the world. While it is true that they have taken the honourable position in past fights with Trump, they are yet to learn that an honourable death is still death. And eventually, you either run out of bodies or the troops will desert you on the battlefield which will lead to an even worse death and total defeat. As illegal as some of Trump’s actions and demands are, the fact remains his trumpions and trumpites follow him blindly. Even to their bitter end as exhibited by the many convictions in the Mueller investigation. The masses continue to fall on their swords to protect him. As crazy as it may seem, however foolish, this is a symptom of strong leadership and Trump basks in its glory while the Democrats cower in fear.
Democracy will fail in 2020 if the Democrats don’t realize that humanity and the rule-of-law are both on their side. Trump is a criminal and failure to treat him as such is their mistake. They treat him as a political opponent and not as the crime lord that he is. Yes, a crime lord occupies the White House and it’s time to treat him as such. Like many crime lords that push poisons in our neighborhoods, he has strong political allies both foreign and domestic. But, when public outrage reaches a fever pitch, even his most staunch allies will flee for their own salvation. Trump is a criminal and it’s time to the butter knife aside and call out SWAT to take him down. Despite Trump’s strong base, trumpions, trumpites and other supporters, he still needs the support of the independent voters to maintain power. It is these Independent voters that the Democrats must reason with and it is with them that the heart of America and her salvation lays.
According to the latest Gallop Poll, Trump’s current job approval rating is 45%. The average rating for his term is 40% with his lowest being 35% in December of 2017. In a March 2019 Quinnipiac Survey, 65% of Americans believe that Trump is dishonest. Ninety-five percent of Democrats surveyed believed that Trump was dishonest, and 66 percent of Republicans said Trump was truthful. Twenty-six percent of Republicans said Trump was dishonest. Sixty-nine percent of the Independents said Trump was not honest. Trump received a similar low rating when Americans were asked about his leadership and whether or not he could be a role model. Just 22 percent of respondents said Trump was a good role model for children. Meanwhile, 58 percent of respondents said that Trump did not have good leadership skills. A Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted after Special Counsel Robert Mueller cleared Trump of conspiring with the Russians, 53% of Americans still believe that Trump or members of his campaign colluded with Russia. While recent polls conducted in early April 2019 show that a majority of Americans oppose impeachment, the truth of the matter is to remove Trump, Democrats may have no choice but to impeach him. To do so, they will have to win the messaging battle. If the Democrats don’t win the messaging battle and instead focus on winning the 2020 election, all hope may be lost. The message needed must deal with the crimes of this president and those of his Republican minions in the Senate (Trumpions).
Contrary to the “no collusion, complete exoneration” mantra of the Trump political machine, the Mueller Investigation did not absolve Trump from the guilt of collusion as exhibited by these excerpts.
- Volume 1, page 9, paragraph 3 –“the investigation identified numerous links between individuals with ties to the Russian government and individuals associated with the Trump Campaign, the evidence was not sufficient to support criminal charges.” This does not mean that he was not guilty of collusion. It means that the investigation was to determine criminal conspiracy which is different from collusion.
- Volume 1, page 9, paragraph 4 – “the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters. Those lies materially impaired the investigation of Russian election interference.”
- Volume 1, page 5, paragraph 2 – Russian contacts with the campaign; “the investigation established that it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the campaign expected that it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through the Russian effort…”
This is evidence that the Trump campaign sought election interference help from the Russians and received it. “In addition, the Russians and the Trump campaign both expected to and did benefit from the interference.” Trump is now the first official Manchurian president of the American government. According to 17 U.S. intelligence agencies which include the CIA, FBI and NSA, Russia not only interfered in the 2016 elections, they are still at it and all evidence points toward their continued interference through the 2020 elections. In a document published on February 13, 2018, titled Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community{3}, America’s intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians were interfering in the 2018 midterm elections and that they would interfere in the 2020 elections.
Should we expect anything else considering that Trump not only refuses to accept the findings but in a July 16, 2018, Helsinki press conference, Trump denounced the findings in favour of Putin’s denials of interference. Trump has accepted the word of a sworn enemy of America over that of his own intelligence community.
Now is the time to tune out all of the noise and understand what is really going on. If like the Democrats you are expecting to vote Trump out of office in 2020, you will die miserably, face-down in the mud right alongside them. Trump and Putin are not going to give up their throne through a legitimate election. They stole the last election. In an April 24,2019, New York Times Article titled “In Push for 2020 Election Security, Top Official was Warned: Don’t Tell Trump”, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen before being forced to resign, tried to focus Trump on preparing for new and different Russian forms of interference in the 2020 election. Trump’s chief of staff told her not to bring it up in front of the president because Trump felt that the topic could delegitimize his presidency. It is evident that if Trump has no plan to defend America against Russian interference and will not entertain one, you would be a fool to think that Trump could be voted out in 2020. Dictators just don’t give up their power that easily especially when they control the Justice Department, The Federal Bureaus of Investigation, The Supreme Court and one half of the Congress, the Senate.
In a April 26, 2019, New York Time article Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio confirmed to the Times that the FBI believes Russian hackers gained access in 2016 to several Florida county voter-registration networks. The Senator further stated that an intelligence operation uncovered the breach some time ago and that Russians were in a position to alter Florida voter rolls. He also stated that national security officials chose to protect intelligence methods by issuing a broad warning to Florida’s 67 elections offices instead of informing the state or the local office that had been hacked. This evidence was also stated in Volume 1 of the Mueller Report.
In a February 27, 2018, NBC report{5} three senior intelligence officials told NBC News that the intelligence community believed the following states as of January 2017 had election systems that had been breached by Russians. These states are Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin. The officials said systems were compromised in a variety of ways. Some breaches were more serious than others which included entry into state websites and penetration of actual voter registration databases.
Despite the numerous warnings from the 17 intelligence agencies that Russia attacked our 2016 elections and aided Trump in winning the election and that they will attack the 2020 elections, the Republican Senate has done nothing to protect our democracy from further attacks. In fact, they have supported the Russian and Trump attack on our election system. On August 1, 2018, the Senate Republicans (Bob Corker excluded) voted down a $250 million dollar appropriations bill amendment to fund increased security needed to protect our 2018 midterm elections. This is more supportive of Putin’s attacks on our democracy than of the American people. This is mindful dereliction of duty.
Trump-land is unprecedented in American history so it is safe to say that more unprecedented things are yet to come. A total and complete coup d’ e’tat did happen under similar circumstances in 1933 Germany and history may once again repeat itself in 2020 Trump-land. By attacking our 2016 elections and continuing their attacks, Russia has declared a cyberwar on America. Their intent is to see the end of our American way of life even if it means corrupting our elected officials to the point of treason. Treason is defined as:
“the crime of betraying one’s country, defined in Article III, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution: “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” Treason requires overt acts and includes the giving of government security secrets to other countries, even if friendly, when the information could harm American security. Treason can include revealing to an antagonistic country secrets such as the design of a bomber being built by a private company for the Defense Department. Treason may include “espionage” (spying for a foreign power or doing damage to the operation of the government and its agencies, particularly those involved in security) but is separate and worse than “sedition,” which involves a conspiracy to upset the operation of the government.”
Trump has wilfully aided Russia in the interference of our 2016 election which has done damage to the operation of our government. He has aided the Russians by refusing to protect the country against future attacks. The Republican Senate has been complicit in these acts as evidenced by their voting down funds needed to protect the country’s election systems. The Special Counsel’s investigation was authorized by law. So, in relation to Trump’s obstruction-of-justice when Lindsey Graham states “I don’t care what they talked about” like Trump, he is in open defiance of the laws of this country that he has sworn to uphold. Based upon their actions, Trump and his Trumpions have committed treason and it is obvious from their recent actions that they don’t intend to stop even after this country is brought to its knees. Xplicit News has published a two-part article exposing Putin’s successful attempts to corrupt our Republican Senators through his campaign contributions. “ The Republican Senate, Putin’s Payola Part 1”{6} and Part 2 are must reads to understand the depth of the collusion and treasonous actions between Donald Trump, the Republican Senate and Vladimir Putin.
The Democrats due to public opinion are opting to neglect their constitutional duty of oversight over this so-called-president, Donald Trump. They are hoping to oust him with a win in the 2020 elections. They are sadly mistaken and you are too if you believe that such a feat is remotely possible. Time is running out. For your vote to count in 2020 you have to take action now by not letting Trump run again. Since the Democrats are misguided at best, if you desire to save this country then you have to force their hand. You have to force them to impeach him. You have to help them by changing the narrative. You have to put pressure on the Republican Senate by exposing them for the criminals and traitors that they are. The narrative has to become America needs Trump impeached for dereliction of duty. His refusal to protect our voting system from the Russians is a dereliction of duty. This is impeachable as a high crime or misdemeanor. You must create the new narrative of “Impeach Trump for dereliction of duty and for being a criminal.” Do this and you will gain favour with independent voters. Based upon the polling data, they don’t respect him, don’t want him and they will join you. The Democrats must get the message not to be afraid of public opinion or of impeaching Trump for criminal dereliction of duty. They must understand that “Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.” If not, you will be obliterated by a rigged election system in 2020 and America will fall into fascism.
Upon taking an eagle-eyed view of Trump-land you must take action. The Russians are against you. Trump is against you. The Republican Senate is against you. Big money is against you. Special Interests is against you. The Justice Department is against you. It’s time for you to stand up before fascism becomes an American reality. You must stand up and say to all of the corruption and treason perpetrated by Trump and the Republicans “It’s Not Okay! I’m not going to take it anymore!” “Impeach Trump Now!” You have to use your social media accounts, call your friends and family, march through the streets, write your Senators and Congressmen and say “It’s Not Okay! I’m not going to take it anymore!” “Impeach Trump now!” You have to give the Democrats the courage and help that they need by shouting to them “It’s Not Okay! I’m not going to take it anymore!” “Impeach Trump Now!”
Linked Sources and Documentation
- Obstruction-of-justice definition, link: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/obstruction_of_justice
- Obstruction-of-justice, Congressional Research Service, pdf:Obstruction of Justice - Congressional Research Service
- Worldwide Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, pdf:Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community 02032018
- New York Times Article , In Push for 2020 Election Security, Top Official was Warned: Don’t Tell Trump, link: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/24/us/politics/russia-2020-election-trump.html
- February 27, 2018, NBC Report, link: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/u-s-intel-russia-compromised-seven-states-prior-2016-election-n850296
- The Republican Senate, Putin’s Payola Part 1, link : http://www.xplicitnews.org/2019/02/12/the-republican-senate-putins-payola-part-1/
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
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