“The difference between stupid and genius is that genius has its limits.” – Albert Einstein
By Glen Reaux
In American pop-culture, there is one person that epitomizes all of the finest and most noble qualities associated with American heroism and ideology. From the time that he was a child, he overcame personal adversities which included physical disabilities, mental impairment, naivety and emotional trauma. Despite how unfair life presented itself to him, he never succumbed to temptations. He had a heart of gold and irreproachable ethics. He truly represented everything idealistic about being an American which included fearlessness, compassion, loyalty and steadfast determination. One of the most famous lines from the movie named after the main character came as the hero sat on a bench while waiting on a bus, talking to a black woman dressed in maids clothing; “My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” This simple quote was the theme of the movie titled “Forrest Gump” who together with his mother represented everything good about America. Today our country is no longer America. Though she may still fly the stars and stripes, a name that is more befitting of our country is Trump Land. Her hero, Donald Trump is the antithesis of Forest Gump in every possible way. If a sequel to the movie was made in Trump Land, it would be called “Forrest Trump.” The famous scene where the beloved Gump sat on the bench and uttered those unforgettable words of wisdom would play-out a bit differently. Forrest Trump speaking to the maid about Impeachment Hearings: “Putin Says Stupid is as Stupid Does and Republicans Prove it Everyday!” Why? Because they just can’t help themselves. They’re idiots and I love it.
The differences between pre-Trump America and Trump Land are as stark as the differences between Forrest Trump and Forrest Gump. Despite being born with a crooked spine, Forrest Gump went on to become a Vietnam war hero. In Trump Land, Forrest Trump was born spineless and faked a disability to avoid Vietnam. In Trump’s own words, he stated that he was not stupid enough to go to Vietnam.
Forrest Trump, being the antithesis of Forrest Gump exhibits behavior that is divergent from that of Gump. His perceptions of the presidency are at best skewed, that’s putting it mildly. Forrest Gump, without regard for his own safety, ran into battle to save his compatriots. Trump, whenever he faces adversity, throws his minions under the bus. Gump embraced ethnic diversity. Trump threw people of color, including children into dog pounds. Gump did everything in his power to help a fallen soldier, Lieutenant Dan. Trump has done everything in his power to dishonor our soldiers, from disrespecting John McCain and other Gold Star families to dismantling the Veterans Administration through an attempt to privatize its medical services. Despite his unpatriotic behavior and thousands of lies, through some stroke of bizarre magic, Trump has managed to change this country into something that is causing our founding fathers to turn over in their graves. He has even managed to corrupt the most staunch Republican Putin hawks that have worked in a bipartisan way to hold Putin’s Russia at bay and turned them into a group of little Putin female lapdogs in heat that now spew his propaganda poison from their mouths as if they were reciting the pledge of allegiance. Their recent claim that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 elections is now the principal defense that the Republicans are using to defend Forrest Trump. It has been discredited by all 17 of America’s intelligence agencies and a Senate Intelligence Committee Report. Two months ago, members of the Senate were briefed by the intelligence community which informed them that the conspiracy theory that the Republicans and the President are promoting is false and that it originated from the Russian intelligence agency, GRU. During the impeachment hearings, America’s top advisor on Putin and Russia, Fiona Hill warned against spreading this debunked theory created by Putin and of the harm it does to our country.
While Trump Land was once considered an alternate reality, it is no longer that. The principal character, Forrest Trump, today’s real-life sitting President has a supporting cast that has proven time and again to act like a bunch of stupid cartoon characters. These guys are Devin “Quagmire” Nunes, Lindsey “Homer Simpson” Graham and Mitch “Mr. Burns” McConnell, just to name a few. By promoting Putin’s Ukraine conspiracy, all of them are proving the quote “Putin says stupid is as stupid does and Republican prove it everyday.”
The Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes is living proof of the quote. Nunes is reminiscent of Homer Simpson’s neighbor Glenn Quagmire who always acts like a zealot, happy to please the buffoon Homer at any cost. On November 20, 2019, The Daily Beast published the article “Lev Parnas Helped Devin Nunes Investigations” {1}. Lev Parnas is Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani’s associate that claimed executive privilege because he works for Trump upon being arrested and charged for illegally contributing $325,000 to a Trump super PAC. Joseph Bondy, the attorney for Parnas stated, Nunes worked to push allegations of Democratic corruption involving former Vice President Joe Biden and Ukrainian interference in the 2016 elections. “Nunes had told Shokin of the urgent need to launch investigations into Burisma, Joe and Hunter Biden, and any purported Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election,” Shokin is the ousted Ukrainian Prosecutor General that due to corruption was forced out of power by a coalition of European nations and the United States, led by Joe Biden. Brody also stated; “Mr. Parnas learned from former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin that Nunes had met with Shokin in Vienna last December,”
The House Intelligence Committee is now in possession of a video deposition of Mr. Parnas along with other evidence provided by the former Trump campaign donor now denounced by Trump. This evidence is reported to be photographs of Nunes with Shokin and possibly recordings of phone calls that prove Nunes’ complicity in the Putin conspiracy theory. More details are provided in the CNN article “Exclusive: Giuliani associate willing to tell Congress Nunes met with ex-Ukrainian official to get dirt on Joe Biden”{2}
Other Republicans that are “stuck on stupid” because they continue to serve Putin by pushing his conspiracy theory are Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. On November 21st, the two Senators issued a letter to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. The first paragraph of the letter states:
“We write to request records of multiple White House meetings that took place in 2016 between and among Obama administration officials, Ukrainian government representatives, and Democratic National Committee (DNC) officials. According to recent reports, in January 2016 “some of Ukraine’s top corruption prosecutors and investigators [met] face to face with members of former President Obama’s National Security Council (NSC), FBI, State Department and Department of Justice (DOJ).”[1] Other meetings included Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor for the DNC, who reportedly worked with Ukrainian government officials to undermine the Trump campaign.”
The official document is provided below.
Chuck Grassley Letter_2019-11-21 RHJ CEG to NARA - White House Meeting Records
Another member of the Republican Leadership, Lindsey Graham has chosen to ignore intelligence community warnings about promoting Putin’s agenda is a longtime friend of Former Vice President Joe Biden who is the Democratic front runner in hopes of ousting Trump in the upcoming 2020 elections. In a 2015 interview with the Huffington Post, Graham who has worked with Biden for more than 20 years had this to say.
The video of Graham praising Biden is very touching. Lindsey was also great friends with one of America’s greatest heroes, John McCain. But his opinion of Trump prior to the 2016 election was not as flattering.
On November 22nd, Graham, the Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo requesting documents relating to Joe Biden’s communications with Ukrainian officials when he was Vice President to President Obama. This letter signaled that Graham was launching an investigation into Biden and election meddling by Ukraine in the 2016 election in furtherance of the Putin/Trump discredited conspiracy theory. Graham’s letter is provided below.
Graham Pompeo letter LG to MP re Biden and Ukraine
Despite overwhelming evidence from the entire U.S. intelligence community that Putin is perpetrating the bogus Ukrainian/Biden conspiracy theory, the President and Republican lawmakers persist. Evidence and witnesses have surfaced implicating Nunes in the plot to deceive the impeachment committee which he now sits on by furthering Putin’s theory in support of the President. Graham has betrayed longtime friends Joe Biden and Senator John McCain. The rest of the Republican leadership is proving that they are “stuck on stupid” also proving the Forrest Trump quote to be true. Yes, it is true that on many occasions, Forrest Trump has dazzled us with the stupidity form his self-proclaimed “Big Brain.” Let’s face it, someone has to be monumentally stupid to think that he could get away with extorting the leader of a foreign government with more than a dozen people listening in on the call. He is the leader of the Republican Party. But, are we to assume that as the leader, he has infected the entire leadership with the stupidity virus. It’s obvious that Devin Nunes’ case of stupidity is motivated by his need to cover-up his role in the Putin plan. But, why would others choose Putin over their country and perhaps even their own families? Are they really that stupid or is there something else dark going on below the surface?
The intelligence committee in their investigation of Trump’s extortion scheme is using tried and proven investigative techniques which starts with the age-old idiom “follow the money.” So perhaps, there is a money trail that needs to be investigated. Just maybe, it is the real reason for this bizarre behavior. After all, these former pillars of the community, graduates of America’s finest law schools, some of whom are lifelong friends with Joe Biden and other Democrats and have worked with them on bipartisan legislation could not have hidden their stupidity from the entire nation for decades. Is the whole nation with its 350 million people also that stupid? Is the entire American populace suffering from some unimaginable CIA mind-control experiment? Not! So, once again we are left with the famous Sherlock Holmes quote that was popularized by Mr. Spock of Star Trek:
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
In other words, “follow the money” because that is all that is left. In the past, Putin being able to buy political influence in America was improbable. But now, since we live in Trump Land instead of America, everything that is improbable is highly possible. Below is financial information detailing the money that Putin has paid to Republican politicians through various means including Trump’s Super PAC America First Action and the National Rifle Association (NRA). The following spreadsheet and diagram detail Putin’s payola scheme to influence the Republican party.
As evidenced by their promotion of the Putin debunked conspiracy theory about Ukrainian interference in the 2016 elections, Republicans are either “stuck on stupid” or just as corrupt as their fearless leader “Big Brain” Donald J. Trump. Do you actually believe that every single Republican politician is an example of “Stupid is as Stupid Does and Republicans Prove it Everyday?” If so, then Trump Land is here to stay and we are all doomed. Listen to your gut. When you search your soul, however improbable the answer is, it is closer to the truth than Ukraine and Biden interfered in the 2016 elections. Listen to your gut. The only thing that would engender such loyalty to Trump and disloyalty to their oaths of office and the American people is self-preservation. The desire to protect one’s self from harm or danger. That harm or danger could be the threat of exposure from Putin. They are compromised and fear reprisal from Putin if they don’t protect Trump. Although the it is highly “improbable” that the entire Republican party is indebted to Putin, control of the leadership is all that is needed. Control the leaders and the rest will follow.
Whether on not you believe that your leaders are compromised by Putin, you must hold your politicians accountable and demand the truth about why they are opposing the impeachment inquiries. Why is it that a confession from Trump in the form of the telephone transcript between him and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is not proof of bribery and extortion which are impeachable offenses under the U.S. Constitution? Demand an end to their charade and protection of Forrest Trump! Or perhaps you believe as Rick Perry does. In a Fox news interview, Rick Perry claimed the “Donald Trump is the chosen one sent by God to rule America.”{3}
Linked Sources and Documentation
- The Daily Beast Article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/lev-parnas-helped-rep-devin-nunes-investigations
- CNN Article: https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/22/politics/nunes-vienna-trip-ukrainian-prosecutor-biden/index.html
- Rick Perry Trump was sent by God: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/rick-perry-donald-trump-the-chosen-one_n_5ddbbb9ee4b0913e6f6fc1a8
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved