“American racism is institutionalized by Republicans that lead the Legislative and Judicial Branches. To make America White Again, it has been weaponized by the Executive Branch. It is as insidious as this country’s two original sins, genocide and slavery! ” – Glen Reaux
By Glen Reaux
On July 14th while most Americans were sound asleep in their beds, before dawn at 5:27 am, so-called-president Donald J. Trump once again reminded America that electing Barack Obama President in 2008 did not mean that racism in America had come to an end despite the Republican Party’s claims to the contrary. Trump, in a racist tweet against Congress Women, all of whom are women of color, provided proof that what progressives have been saying since his election is true. Trump’s MAGA slogan is just a code which disguised as his the “Republicans Pledge to Make America White Again.”
The context of his tweet follows the familiar theme echoed by racists since the civil rights movement which can be summed up as “you’re not an American so go back to where you came from!” Although the constitution states that if you are born here you are automatically a citizen. This is the case with three of the Congress Women, Alexandria Ocassio- Cortez, Rashida Talib and Ayanna Pressley. In the minds of Trump, the Republican members of both the House and the Senate and every one of the Republican Supreme Court Justices, citizenship is for whites only. Some may say that this statement is a wild and baseless accusation. However, when one judges these supposedly precious, law-abiding and upright pillars of America’s governmental institutions by their actions which do speak louder than the words that come out of their mouths, the facts become clear, these officials are proud racists. They have defied and twisted the laws at this country at every turn to Make American White Again and keep it that way forever. For starters, this is evidenced by the comments and lies told in a press conference by their racist leader so-called-president Donald Trump on July 15th, just one day after his infamous tweet.
Trump’s racist theme of “love this country or go back to where you came from” was very calculated as it was used to rally his base and mislead unsuspecting Americans to support him in the upcoming 2020 presidential election. Particularly devastating is the fact that he equated these American Congress Women to foreigners that “hate our country” and “hate Jews!” He openly played on the fears of older Americans that lived through the cold war. He labeled these duly elected representatives of America’s citizens as communists. Some of these representatives espouse introducing this country to democratic socialism which is an economic system successfully practiced by many of our European and NATO allies such as France, Germany, Finland, Ireland and Italy. Even Brazil, Ecuador and Peru practice some form of this economic system. None of these countries are communist which means that socialism is not communism and once again Trump shamelessly lied to demonize these women of color. To strike fear into the hearts of American citizens by claiming that these American Congress Women who have lovingly become known as “The Squad” by labeling them as communist is to bring about the rebirth of McCarthyism and the illegal and hurtful persecution of innocent Americans in a search to root-out a non-existent communist conspiracy. But Trump is not alone. His Republican minions in Congress and the Judiciary are complicit in this attack on our democracy.
On July 15th Republican Senator Lindsay Graham in defense of Trump’s racist tweets appeared on Fox News in a shameful display of racism.
This is the same Lindsey Graham that in 2015 called Trump a racist and religious bigot!
In comparing these two very different examples of Graham, one is forced to wonder why Graham is now one of Trump’s most loyal supporters. Trump hasn’t gotten better. In fact, his racist behavior has gotten worse and more blatant. The answer is, unlike in 2015 when Trump was just a candidate, Graham now sees Trump as a means to an end. That end, also known as a goal is to “Make America White Again.” And Graham is just the tip of the Republican Congressional iceberg. The rest of the Republican Party has now openly declared themselves as racist.
In response to Trump’s racist attacks against the Squad, Speaker of The House Nancy Pelosi brought a resolution to the floor of the House On July 16th. The resolution mostly deals with the Arms Export Control Act. However, Section 6 of the resolution specifically dealt with Trump’s racist comments towards members of Congress.
BILLS-116hres491rh Resolution Condemning Trump for Racist Comments
On July 16th the resolution was brought to the floor of the House for a vote. The vote was split mostly along party lines 240-187 in favor of condemning Trump. Only four of the 194 Republicans supported the nonbinding measure. This solidified the Republicans positions before the American people as being duly elected Representatives of the people in support of racism hence establishing their positions as racists themselves.
Republican Reps. Fred Upton of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Susan Brooks of Indiana and Will Hurd of Texas joined with Democrats to support the resolution. Former Republican now Independent Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, now an independent also supported the resolution. The 4 dissenting Republicans represent only 2% of the Republicans in the House. It is safe to assume that the remaining Republican House members are racist considering that they tried to vote down a resolution dealing with foreign weapons sales to protect Trump.
Considering that the Republicans elected to Congress are representatives of their constituents, the question must be asked: Are all Republicans racists? According to a July 17th USA Today/Ipsos poll, a majority of people, 68%, saw Trump’s tweets as offensive. However, there was a stark partisan divide: 93% of Democrats and 68% of independents found the tweet offensive, while only 37% of Republicans did; 57% of Republicans said they agreed with Trump’s tweets, while only 7% of Democrats agreed. Although the data does not support the premise that all Republicans are racist, the data does show that for most Republicans racism is in vogue and they are not afraid to wear it proudly. Trump is aware of this racial climate in America and has made a conscious decision to fuel the flames of racism as a key component of his campaign strategy. And, Republicans in the House and Senate have been more than eager to jump on board. They have done this by coming to Trump’s defense and denying that his comments are racist.
The events of July have polarized the American people. They are a step backward to the pre-civil rights era. Racism in America was institutionalized during that period by Jim Crow laws which denied Blacks and other ethnic minorities the right to vote and other rights guaranteed under the constitution. This period also saw the KKK parading by the thousands through the streets of Washington D. C., the lynching of Black men and the brutality of the nation’s police departments as they physically attacked civil rights activists.
Legislation and the interpretation of that legislation by the Supreme Court were crucial elements in the institutionalization of racism. In recent years, cases decided by the Republican-controlled Supreme Court have turned the clock back to the days of Jim Crow. A summary of some of the more significant cases is listed below:
- Shelby County v. Eric Holder – The Republican-controlled Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act
- RUCHO ET AL. v. COMMON CAUSE ET AL – The Republican-controlled Supreme Court ruled that Courts do not have jurisdiction over gerrymandering activities
- Husted v. A. Philip Randolph Institute – The Republican-controlled Court ruled that the State of Ohio could purge voters from their rolls if registered voters miss voting for two years, they are sent registration confirmation notices.
With Donald Trump as President, Mitch McConnell as the leader of the Senate and John Roberts as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Republican Party is on a fast track to Make America White Again. Since Trump took office, white supremacists have not only marched, they have murdered civil rights activists in the streets. Trump’s response to the murder of a white female civil rights activist who was run-down by a white supremacist was to call white supremacist and white nationalist good people. According to FBI statistics, hate groups have increased by more than 30% since Trump took office. Police brutality and the murder of unarmed Black citizens including children by law enforcement officers has been on the rise since Trump in a 2017 speech told police to “rough them up.”
Evidence found in the public record has proven that “American racism is institutionalized by Republicans that lead the Legislative and Judicial Branches. To make America White Again, it has been weaponized by the Executive Branch. It is as insidious as this country’s two original sins, genocide and slavery! “– Glen Reaux
While such blatant racism has not been seen since the 1960s, with Trump at the helm it is now becoming a populist movement that threatens the very foundations of our democracy. Unless America can find its soul again and impeach Trump, the next step may be an all-out race war started by Trump loyalist. Considering Trump’s behavior, this may be just what he and his Republican Party minions want to help their Make America White Again plan a reality. In 1927, Trump’s father Fred was arrested at a KKK riot that turned violent in Queens, New York. It is obvious by Trump’s most recent racist behavior that the apple has not fallen far from the tree.
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