“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
By Glen Reaux
On Tuesday, January 21, 2020 exactly one year from the swearing in ceremony of the next president of the United States, the Senate will begin only the third impeachment trial of a sitting president in the history of this nation. But, it remains to be seen if that is what the American people will actually get. For at the heart of the Senate lies, treasonous officials masquerading as duly elected representatives of the people. In their hubris, they don’t even attempt to hide their treasonous agenda. To understand the validity of the claim of treason that is being levied against “Moscow Mitch”, Lindsey “Pinky” Graham and the entire cast of Trump cultist called Republican Senators, the factors involved in the claim must be defined. Once the factors are understood, an accurate assessment as to whether or not what “Moscow Mitch” aka Grimm Reaper is offering the American public is a “Trump Impeachment Trial or a Republican Coup.” If you determine that it is the later then the following famous quote by Marcus Tullius Cicero, the ancient Greek philosopher, lawyer and statesman has come true and our democracy is lost:
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero
So, by now you are probably asking “What are the factors involved needed to make such an assessment.” They are as follows.
- Trial – a formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings.
- Treason – the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
- Coup – is the overthrow of an existing government by non-democratic means; typically, it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a dictator, the military, or a political faction
- Cover-up – an attempt to prevent people’s discovering the truth about a serious mistake or crime.
- Trumpion – a Trump cultist as eager to please and defend their master as minions are to do the same for their leader, the infamous and blatantly unsuccessful criminal mastermind Felonious Gru.
To put these factors in proper context, a thorough examination of the actions taken by “Moscow Mitch” and the rest of the Trump cultist also known as Trumpions needs to done.
“Moscow Mitch” to this day is refusing to allow “a formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt.” Simply put, this is evidenced by the Resolution proposed in the Senate by McConnell. According to the resolution the House of Representative will only be allowed to present evidence that only exist in the public record after it is voted on and passed by a parliamentary procedure motion. This motion will only be voted on after the Senate debates and decides whether or not it will allow subpoenas for witnesses. Basically these first two pages of the Resolution if passed by the Senate will restrict the House from presenting any classified information into the trial (The White House determines what is classified or not classified). The Resolution also states that the Senate by power of a majority 51% vote can prevent the House from preventing any evidence that was collected during its investigation.
A cover-up is often used as one of the principal tools used in a coup. McConnell’s resolution if passed is by definition “an attempt to prevent people’s discovering the truth about a serious mistake or crime” (cover-up). A trial is supposed to be a public event not a secret tribunal designed to hide the truth from the people. McConnell’s resolution only allows two 12 hour days for the House to present its case. Also, it designates that the trial hours start at 1:00 PM. This means that each day could last till 1:00 AM. This means that the bulk of the trial would take place during hours that would be inconvenient for the vast majority of the American people to watch the proceedings. Like all cover-ups, he is hiding the truth from the people.
Organizing-Resolution Senate
The resolution also limits the amount of time allowed for questions the presenters of information to only sixteen hours. For the sake of fairness in the pursuit of justice, Trials in America do not have time limitations. This is further proof that “Moscow Mitch” is an architect of a cover-up. Unlike all other trials, if witnesses are allowed, McConnell is requiring that all witnesses be deposed. After the depositions are reviewed by a committee, a determination will be made as to whether or not they will be allowed to testify in the trial.
This resolution as proposed by “Moscow McConnell” is in violation of the constitution and the oath that he swore to before the trial began:
“‘I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.”
There is nothing fair or impartial in this resolution. If successful in passing this resolution, McConnell will have successfully executed the overthrow of an existing government by non-democratic means…it is an illegal, unconstitutional seizure of power by a dictator, the military, or a political faction (coup). That political faction is the Republican Party in the Senate under the leadership of “Moscow Mitch.”
In all trials, as new evidence is discovered and deemed relevant by a judge, it is allowed to be presented by either the prosecution or the defense. McConnell’s would prevent the admission of evidence that has been either discovered or come into existence since the drafting of the articles of impeachment. Three critical sources of evidence have come to light since the articles were drafted. They are the recent ruling by the non-partisan, watchdog Government Accounting Office (GAO), Giuliani Associate and admitted Trump employee Lev Parnas and Former National Security Advisor, John Bolton. John Bolton has been noted for referring his employees to report this scandal to oversight lawyers. He has also referred this extortion of an American Ally as a drug deal.
On January 16th, the GAO ruled that the withholding of Congressional appropriated funds for the defense of Ukraine by the Trump administration was illegal. Plain and simple, it was a crime. This crime was compounded by the Trump Administration refusal to release documents relative to the administration’s decision to withhold these funds. The crime itself, in the articles of impeachment was covered under Article One, Abuse of Power. Trump’s refusal to provide the documents pertaining to his administration’s decision was addressed in Article Two, Obstruction of Congress. The six-page ruling by the GAO states that Trump violated the 1974 Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act.
Lev Parnas on January, 16th gave an exclusive televised interview to Rachel Maddow of MSNBC. During the interview, Parnas described the relationship between Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani and himself. In Particular, he confirmed that fact that every aspect of the Ukraine Scandal had the approval of President Trump. He also named Former Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, Attorney General Bill Barr and Vive President Pence as willing participants in the conspiracy. Months earlier than the Parnas interview with Maddow, Rick Perry resigned when he was revealed to be a willing participant in the crime.
Parnas revealed to Maddow that he has provided a treasure trove of evidence on two flash drives to House investigators which include, personal notes, text messages, emails, letters and audio recordings to substantiate his testimony that he is willing to give in a Senate trial. The following document contains documents provided by Lev Parnas to the House investigators.
HPSCI-New-Parnas-Treasure Trove of Evidence-Giuliani-And-Ukraine
It is this overwhelming evidence that McConnell is attempting to prevent form being introduced into the Senate impeachment trial. In light of such overwhelming evidence that is in the public domain, the most recent polls show that more than 50% of the American public want Donald Trump impeached and removed from office. Such overwhelming support for the removal of Trump from office must lead one to wonder, why would McConnell place his political career in jeopardy and violate his oath of office and the impeachment oath “to do impartial justice.” The answer to that question like Trump is tied to Vladimir Putin who has funneled tens of millions of dollars to Republican Politicians and McConnell personally through the use of Russian oligarchs as evidenced in this chart.
Putins NRA Bagman Diagram
The evidence has been provided for review. The factors surrounding is Mitch McConnell providing a “Trump Impeachment Trial or a Republican Coup” have been explained. The motives for McConnell’s possible treasonous acts have been explained and documented. The only thing left is for you to evaluate the evidence and determine if these acts of treason are egregious enough to prompt you to stand up and demand justice from your Senators and force the Senate to hold live up to their oath and conduct a real trial in the Senate and not a scam and cover-up. This action on your part is your only chance to prevent the Republicans from implementing a successful coup to overthrow our democracy:
“‘I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God.”
Copyright © 2020, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved