“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Holmes
By Glen Reaux
The year is 2019 and the 2020 presidential election is less than 15 months away. As if he was King Joffrey Baratheon, Donald Trump whom we will refer to as Vladimir Trump (Putin’s protégé), reigns supreme keeping his realm in chaos. While his trusty advisor and protector Lord Varys who America now lovingly refers to as Moscow Mitch, in the persona of his alter ego Varys lives out the delusion that he can control King Joffrey for the good of the nation. Mean-while in the brothels of Moscow, Lord Peter BaeIish aka Littlefinger Putin implements his Game of Thrones using Vladimir Trump and Moscow Mitch as his “trump” cards. Unlike in Game of Thrones, as chaos and tyranny strangle the realm, there is no John Snow, or Mother of Dragons to come to the rescue. Arya Stark (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC) has not yet evolved into a faceless man. Jerry Nadler, the only Democrat in the leadership that has enough courage to act like John Snow and wield a sword is being neutered by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. Unlike any of the courageous women in Game of Thrones, Nancy is making about as much sense as Arya’s crazy Aunt Lyssa Arryn of the Vale. Paralyzed by fear, mistakenly, Speaker Pelosi actually believes that she can successfully lead her party to victory via the 2020 election. After which, she can lead King Vladimir Trump to the dungeon in handcuffs where he will literally face a fate far less than death which is the maximum sentence given to traitors. There are few members of her party that believe he should not suffer the maximum penalty. This shows just how out of touch the Democratic Party leadership is with the reality of the dire situation that this country is in. If Democrats believe that it is possible to win a victory in the 2020 election, they obviously don’t understand “The Dangers of Vladimir Trump and Moscow Mitch Putin’s Trump Cards.”
The America that we all know and love no longer exist. This is the realm of Trump Land and as far back as 2016, before Putin gave him the election, Vladimir Trump stated during a nationally televised debate that he would only accept the results of the election if he were the winner. Nancy Pelosi and anyone else that believes he would accept anything else in 2020 is as crazy as Arya’s Aunt Lyssa Arryn and we all know what happened to her. According to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the Republican that put party before country, Littlefinger Putin’s plans for Trump started in 2014. Putin succeeded and continues to advance his plans for 2020. He has not been stopped and King Vladimir Trump hasn’t suffered any defeats that would cause him to have doubts about anything, including Putin’s future support. Trump and Moscow Mitch have done everything in their power to aid Putin by blocking all attempts to secure our elections against future interference and hacking. With the help of Trump and Moscow Mitch, according to the Recent Senate Intelligence Committee Report {1}, Putin actually has the capability to selectively strike the names of American citizens that would not vote for Trump from the voter rolls.
The report states, that by the end of 2018: “Russian cyber actors had successfully penetrated Illinois’s voter registration database, viewed multiple database tables, and accessed up to 200,000 voter registration records.” Hackers were able to take out “an unknown quantity of voter registration data” and “we’re in a position to delete or change voter data,”
After reading such an astonishing revelation, can you name any 11th-grade civics or government students that would have faith in our 2020 elections? With that being the case, what madness leads Speaker Pelosi to believe that Putin would allow us to vote Trump out of office? In 2016, Vladimir Trump lost the popular vote by three million votes. He only won the Electoral College due to 70,000 votes in 3 states. Each of these states were targeted and influenced by Russian social media campaigns on behalf of Trump. In 2016, Littlefinger Putin gave Trump America and Trump and Moscow Mitch have turned it into Trump Land. During his Congressional testimony, Special Counsel Mueller was explicit in informing Congress and the American people that what Putin did in 2016 had not stopped and that he will continue in the foreseeable future. Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Leadership need to scare the American people with this truth. The 2020 election is not safe! Although the Democratic Party, unlike the Republican Party, has refused to use the politics of fear. Now is not the time to be afraid to forcefully tell the truth. The people need to be afraid. In no uncertain terms, they need to hear it. If not, the reality of a post-2020 election is far scarier and much more dangerous than anything this country has ever faced. If Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats do not cast aside their fear of Trump, they will not only lose their base, they will doom this country. Impeach Trump and Putin will not be able to give him the presidency again. Don’t impeach Trump and the Democrats will die miserably, face down in the mud with the rest of America right alongside them.
In Game of Thrones, King Jeoffrey, the teenage tyrant was cruel, ruthless, insane and could easily have worn the title of “The Mad King.” He reveled in his lies while torturing and abusing the weak. His arrogance, cowardice and name-calling were symbolic of a child with too much power. Does this sound like Vladimir Trump, Putin’s protégé?
Just how dangerous is Trump Land? Trump land is the brainchild of ex-Trump campaign manager and white nationalist, Steve Bannon. The former Executive Chairman of Breitbart News and Goldman Sachs investment banker, like Trump is not a patriot. In 2016, he described Breitbart as the platform for the alt-right. As a board member of Cambridge Analytica, he played a direct role in the Russian-backed covert attack on Great Britain and the European Union now known as Brexit. Steve Bannon is now directly involved in the Russian attacks on all of the European Democracies. In a July 2019, Vanity Fair article, Bannon was quoted as saying “have been busy cultivating a new generation of nativist, pro-Russian leaders in Europe to invert the continent’s current liberal-democratic orientation.” Also, Bannon in describing his political strategy: “You have to completely destroy everything. Tear it all down and then you can rebuild the type of country that you want.” It is this philosophy that Bannon brought to Trump. As evidenced by the manner in which Trump has attacked our intelligence community, our courts, Congress, our laws, all of our government institutions, non-whites and everything else in this country, with Moscow Mitch and Putin at his side, that is exactly what he intends to do.
Trump as President of the United States has encouraged police officers to violate the civil right of suspects by roughing them up as they are being placed inside of police cars. This is overtly telling police officers to break the law and obey him. This is the first step in the development of a police-state that where al laws are enforced at the whim of a tyrant.
Trump denies the fact that he is a racist. However, his immigration policies, his racist attacks on Black, Latino and Asian members of Congress over the past month is undeniably the behavior of white southern racist, Dixiecrats and Plantation slave owners. Another example of how dangerous America has become since her transition to Trump Land is the fact that just like Adolph Hitler, Trump believes he is genetically superior. This could explain why Trump embraces white nationalist, the KKK and neo-Nazis. The last time someone claiming to be genetically superior was the leader of a nation, this country was dragged into World War II.
While many in America will argue that an ego-maniacal president is a far cry from a dictator, there are other factors in Trump Land that take this country to the dangerous brink of dictatorship. Our democracy is based on the constitutional separation of powers and the responsibility of Congress to provide oversight of the Executive Branch to prevent dictatorships. But when a foreign authoritarian leader such as Littlefinger Putin has corrupted one of the Houses of Congress with his dark money, the constitution with all of its protections and checks and balances will not function and our democracy will fail. This is what has happened under Trump. In February of this year, Xplicit News did a two-part investigative report called The Republican Senate Putin’s Payola {2}. Putin’s Payola details the tens of millions of dollars that Putin has funded to the Republican Party through his network of oligarchs.
The spreadsheet below illustrates the financial transactions between Republican politicians, the National Rifle Association (NRA) and Putin’s oligarchs. Putin’s spy, a convicted felon turned Mueller witness Maria Butina, infiltrated the NRA and with the help of at least 2 other American citizens helped the NRA to fund $36.9 million to Republican in the Senate and nearly $4.3 million to Republicans in the House.
NRA 2017 Republican Party Funding
The following illustration explains the complicated web of payments from Putin to Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell. Trump received $107 million from Russian oligarchs through contributions to his inauguration committee. This was confirmed by a convicted felon and former Trump Assistant Campaign Manager, Rick Gates. Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Senate Leadership PAC received $2.5 million from Putin through Russian oligarchs Oleg Deripaska (Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort’s business partner) and Leonard Blavatnik (Treasury Secretary’s Steve Mnuchin’s former business partner).
Putin's Payola Part 2 Diagram
When these Republican ties to Littlefinger Putin are placed into the context of their refusal to fund election security and the blocking by Moscow Mitch of 5 attempts to fund election security by Democrats in the past week, the true danger that faces our democracy comes into focus. Our government has been broken by Trump, corrupted by Putin and Moscow Mitch McConnell. The evidence is as plain as the nose on your face and should leave no doubt. For doubters, if bring to mind a famous axiom from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:
“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” – Sherlock Holmes
Putin has already bought and paid for the 2020 election with hundreds of millions of dollars. During the now-infamous Trump interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Vladimir Trump signaled Littlefinger that his interference is welcomed and expected. Putin owns the Executive Branch and the Senate. This is proof that Trump Land is not only dangerous but an active coup aided by a foreign power is underway right now in this country and the Democrats are either too scared or too stupid to tell the American people. The Democratic Leadership must do their constitutional duty by impeaching Trump despite the fact that Putin’s Senate may exonerate him. They must trust that the American people will see “The Dangers of Vladimir Trump and Moscow Mitch Putin’s Trump Cards.” Understanding the dangers, the American Public will support impeachment and vote out the Republicans that have turned traitor and betrayed their trust.
Linked Sources and Documentation
- Senate Select Intelligence Committee Report on Russian Interference in the 2016 elections: https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/Report_Volume1.pdf
- The Republican Senate, Putin’s Payola: http://www.xplicitnews.org/2019/02/12/the-republican-senate-putins-payola-part-1/
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved