The Real Truth About the COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis

“Common sense in an uncommon degree is what the world calls wisdom.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge


By Glen Reaux


“The Real Truth About the COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis” in America is more shocking than the media and the politicians are willing to tell you.  At this current point in time, it’s not as devastating as the 1918 Spanish Flu.  And, if you use common sense instead of following the government’s message of disinformation and confusion, you can prevent it from ever getting to be as bad.  You start by employing wisdom aka “common sense in an uncommon degree.” This means do your own research and make your own data-driven decisions.  If not, you will fall prey to an American apocalypse the likes of which have been unseen since the great depression.  As usual with any disaster, there is profiteering and government corruption on a massive scale which will be covered in this article and supported by facts.  But, for now, it’s time to assess what is right in front of your eyes.


COVID-19 virus
COVID-19 virus


Don’t be overwhelmed by the headlines

Be wise, read between the lines and understand what you are being told.  As of Tuesday, April 7th, 11:40 am, there were 1,700, 000 people tested, yielding 377, 792 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in America with 11,816 deaths.  This sounds overwhelming or insignificant, depending on your understanding of the data.  But what the headlines are not telling you is the infection and death rates.  Do the math:

  1. Infection rate = (377, 792 / 1,700,00) x100 = 22.22%
  2. Death rate = (11,816 / 377,792) x 100 = 3.127%
  3. S. population – 330,552,344 (source, United Nations Worldometer)
  4. Testing rate = (1,700,000/ 330,552,344) X 100 = 514%

With an infection rate of 22.22% and a U.S. population of roughly 330.5 million people, it is possible that 54,115,220 people in the country will get the disease with a possibility of over 23 million people dying from the disease.  Out of a fear of mass panic, this is the common-sense-reality that is not being reported.  This is not news to America’s governors.  It is the motivating factor for the stay at home and lockdown policies that have been implemented by governors that place human lives above money and politics.


1918 Spanish Flu pandemic

Understand the danger

In comparison, the 1918 H1N1 flu pandemic was much more frightening.  According to the CDC(1):

“The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. An H1N1 virus caused it with genes of avian origin. Although there is not a universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919.  In the United States, it was first identified in military personnel in spring 1918. They estimate it that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. It estimated the number of deaths to be at least 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.”


While the death rate of the Spanish flu was three times higher than the COVID-19 rate in America, the global population now is over 4 times that of 1918.  The population of America is three times what it was in 1918.  An even more alarming fact to be concerned about is the lie and disinformation that the media and government officials are purporting to be the truth.  “The virus is ten times more deadly than common flu.”  This is untrue.  The death rate for flu is one-tenth of one percent.  COVID-19 has a death rate of 3.12% which is 31 times more deadly than the flu or 3,100% the death rate of the flu.  To understand the data, you must make comparisons based upon historical facts.


Spanish Flu, source WHO


The news media has been bombarding the airwaves with data.  Daily they are providing statistics on infections and deaths.  The media broadcasts charts relating to when the nation’s COVID-19 peak will be reached in the country.  This is well and good, but again to avoid panic, they are not reporting the total story.  The historical chart above exhibits the course of the 1918 pandemic over a two-year period.  As evidenced by the chart, the flu does not peak and go away.  The characteristic deaths of flu follow a wave pattern, which means, after its peak, it declines before reappearing to kill more.  Since COVID-19 is too new to establish a wave of data you’re on your own.


The current global population is 7.8 billion people.  As of 1:21 pm CST on April 7th, the Global number of COVID-19 infections is 1,281,014.  The number of deaths is 78,269 people (2).  This represents a 6.1% death rate that is climbing by the minute.  While this is scary, now is not the time for fear.  Now is the time for common sense and wisdom.


Survival Wisdom

The data is frightening and overwhelming. But what is not being discussed is the impact that COVID-19 will have on you and your loved ones in the near future.  The media report that the grocery supply chain id intact.  This real-time assessment is true, for the present time.  But the picture for the near future is unfortunately more-grim.  While Americans swooping up toilet paper and paper towels has been found to be newsworthy, few are reporting about the impact that COVID-19 may have on the food supply.  Why? Fear is the answer.  News organizations around the country fear panic will overtake the nation and cause anarchy if the public knew more about the danger.



A June 6, 2015 report titled “How resilient is the United States’ food system to pandemics?”(3) paints a dire picture for the immediate future.  According to the Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences study:

“The model reveals that a severe pandemic with greater than a 25% reduction in labor availability can create significant and widespread food shortages. The Ebola epidemic that began in 2014 has caused severe food shortages in West Africa, which are like the effects that this model predicts in the USA. The likely effects of the reduction in the amount of available food are difficult to specifically predict; however, it is likely to have severe negative consequences on society. The resilience of the food system must be improved against this hazard and others.”


The data is conclusive.  More than a change in your lifestyle is at stake.  The report is a short 11-page read.




The factors stated in the study when coupled with Trump administration, immigration policies and the closing of the southern border should give every American pause and a reason to fear what is next to come.  Survival wisdom dictates the food chain is not secure.  You can’t do anything about that.   But, you can stockpile can goods, and staples like nuts, beans, rice, pasta, lentils, oatmeal, cornmeal, flour, and cereal.  Can goods are high in sodium.  So you might want to invest a few hundred dollars in a good freezer and stock up on frozen vegetables, fruit, and dairy.


The aforementioned report deals with the impact of a pandemic on American agriculture.  However, the American food chain is heavily dependent on food supplies from around the world.  Most notably, the growing season in the southern hemisphere is opposite that of the northern hemisphere.  It literally provides nearly half of the off-season produce for the entire country.  Filled with third-world countries, substandard healthcare resources, and less sophisticated agricultural systems, they are at greater risk than we are.


Be wise and ask the question.  Should I fear the federal government under the Trump administration?



Based on the contradicting statement made by Donald Trump, and the disinformation associated with his rhetoric, one should find it very hard to trust the Trump administration.  Instead of leading the country in efforts to defeat the virus and save lives, he has created an environment of confusion and distrust.  Contradicting his statement about when he realized the dangers presented by the virus is an in-house memo by Peter Navarro, Trump’s adviser on trade.  In January, Navarro wrote:

“The lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave Americans defenseless in the case of a full-blown coronavirus outbreak on U.S. soil,…This lack of protection elevates the risk of the coronavirus evolving into a full-blown pandemic, imperiling the lives of millions of Americans.” Navarro further stated that the “risk of a worst-case pandemic scenario should not be overlooked” given the information coming from China.

A second memo dated Feb. 23, written by Mr. Navarro warned of an “increasing probability of a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1.2 million souls.”  The memo also urged an immediate supplemental spending appropriation from Congress of at least $3 billion. Trump ignored the warnings and downplayed  the virus


Despite the warnings given by Navarro in January and February, Trump still to-this-day claims that no one saw this coming.  However, contrary to this statement is January 29, 2019, annual Worldwide Threat Assessment published by Dan Coates, Trump’s Director of National Intelligence.  Page 21 of the 42-page report states:

“We assess that the United States and the world will remain vulnerable to the next flu pandemic or large-scale outbreak of a contagious disease that could lead to massive rates of death and disability, severely affect the world economy, strain international resources, and increase calls on the United States for support.  Although the international community has made tenuous improvements to global health security, these gains may be inadequate to address the challenge of what we anticipate will be more frequent outbreaks of infectious diseases because of rapid unplanned urbanization, prolonged humanitarian crises, human incursion into previously unsettled land, expansion of international travel and trade, and regional climate change.”


Worldwide Threat Assessment


In January and February, prior to the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a pandemic, the U.S. intelligence community warned Congress and President Trump that the virus would probably become a pandemic. But Trump continued to downplay the seriousness of the virus.  This is the real truth about the coronavirus.  The Trump administration intentionally mislead the American public about the dangers of the virus.

PART II – The Bloody Truth, Disaster Mismanagement for Profit.


Linked Sources and Documentation


  1. CDC:
  2. Google COVID-19 world map:
  3. How resilient is the United States’ food system to pandemics? :


Copyright © 2020 Glen Reaux, all rights reserved






Mr. Reaux is a semi-retired entrepreneur and business owner. In the 80s he founded Simplx Marketing Corporation, an insurance loss replacement and claims management firm. The award winning documentary film company METV founded by Mr. Reaux, successfully provided television programming for more than 23 years. In 2013, Mr. Reaux co-founded LiveWell Insurance Products, Inc.

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