By Glen Reaux
Donald Trump aka Putin’s little female lapdog in-heat is once again protecting her master by refusing to protect American soldiers from attacks and acts-of-war launched by the Kremlin. After all, what could we possibly expect more from such a creature that happily and excitedly breathes heavily and almost orgasmic at the mere mention of Putin’s name? Trump’s impotence in dealing with Putin’s aggression against our troops is reminiscent of Henry Kissinger’s belief about our greatest American heroes. During the Nixon administration, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger became famous for this quote: “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” This ideology is not unique to Henry Kissinger. Trump’s recent refusal to provide protection for our troops from Putin’s recent placing of bounties on the heads of American troops is self-evident that he is a believer and practitioner of the Henry Kissinger school of thought. Also, it is echoed in the legislative history of the Republican Party. To Republicans, American soldiers are not human beings. They are the domesticated beast of burden toiling the infertile soil of Republican foreign policy. Once spent, American soldiers are discarded without reward, not as heroes or casualties but as useless dead animals. This is evidenced in Trump’s most recent Putin fiasco which mirrors his administration’s term-long, sentiment toward Putin. This ideology is reinforced by the entire Republican Party that has refused to rebuke or hold Trump accountable for this and other atrocities perpetrated against our men and women in arms. Instead, they hold true to form and their history by lining up to defend him, kiss his ass, and join him as they sit like panting dogs in Putin’s lap. Shamefully, they exclaim “Thank you for your service” while driving the dagger deeper into the backs of our brave men and women who are dying on foreign soil!
Is this true? Does the Republican Party think “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy?” To determine the answer, the following question must be asked and answered. Do Republican policies and administrations cut aid and benefits to our soldiers and veterans? While the latest headlines confirming this ideology shock the consciousness of the nation, let’s not be fooled. This has been Donald Trump’s behavior from day one of his administration.
During the month of June in 2017, the Russian military launched the devastating global cyberattack known as NotPetya causing billions of dollars. The Trump administration did not respond. In February of 2018, U.S. forces clashed with Russian mercenaries in Syria. American forces killed and injured 300 mercenaries that attacked without provocation American forces that were protecting Syrian oil and gas resources. This conflict is now known as the Battle of Khasham. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who at the same was the Director of the CIA reported to Congress that the Russian casualties numbered about 200. Donald Trump did not launch any retaliatory measures or sanctions for the attack. In November of 2018, Ambassador James Jeffrey, U.S. special representative for Syria engagement during an interview with a Russian journalist from Kommersant acknowledged that U.S. and Russian forces had clashed in Syria at least one dozen times:
“There have been various engagements, some involving exchange of fire, some not. Again, we are continuing our mission there and we are continuing to exercise our right of self-defense.”
“We don’t comment on specific military actions of that nature. U.S. forces are legitimately in Syria, supporting local forces in the fight against Daesh … As appropriate — and this has occurred about a dozen times in one or another place in Syria — they exercise the right of self-defense when they feel threatened. That’s all we say on that.”
The complete transcript from the interview is provided below.
Special Representative for Russian Media interview
Despite the Russian military attacks against American forces in Syria, Trump refuses to confront Putin or defend American forces. But Trump is not the only Republican president to take the lives of American troops for political gain. According to a March 18, 2013, Smithsonian Magazine article titled “Nixon Prolonged Vietnam War for Political Gain—And Johnson Knew About It, Newly Unclassified Tapes Suggest” (1):
“In 1968, the Paris Peace talks, intended to put an end to the 13-year-long Vietnam War, failed because an aide working for then-Presidential candidate Richard Nixon convinced the South Vietnamese to walk away from the dealings, says a new report by the BBC’s David Taylor.”
“Nixon’s Presidential campaign needed the war to continue, since Nixon was running on a platform that opposed the war. The BBC:
Nixon feared a breakthrough at the Paris Peace talks designed to find a negotiated settlement to the Vietnam War, and he knew this would derail his campaign.
… In late October 1968, there were major concessions from Hanoi which promised to allow meaningful talks to get underway in Paris – concessions that would justify Johnson calling for a complete bombing halt of North Vietnam. This was exactly what Nixon feared.”
The Article continues:
“In the recently released tapes, we can hear Johnson being told about Nixon’s interference by Defense Secretary Clark Clifford. The FBI had bugged the South Vietnamese ambassador’s phone. They had Chennault lobbying the ambassador on tape. Johnson was justifiably furious — he ordered Nixon’s campaign be placed under FBI surveillance. Johnson passed along a note to Nixon that he knew about the move. Nixon played like he had no idea why the South backed out, and offered to travel to Saigon to get them back to the negotiating table.”
In 1981, shortly after taking office, Ronald Reagan cut the Veterans Administration budget by about $700 million, including $100 million by canceling and delaying some VA hospital construction (2 hospitals canceled) and $300 million by trimming the VA’s Department of Medicine and Surgery to its 1979 staff level. Further cuts included the elimination of the Legal Services Corporation which helped thousands of vets, V.A. medical research programs, special kidney dialysis programs, 20,000 jobs in the V.A.’s Department of Medicine, and Surgery.
Also, Reagan closed Vets Outreach Centers, one of the few V.A. programs which went to Vietnam vets where they were (instead of waiting for vets to trickle into the V.A. offices). This program employed hundreds of Vietnam vets as counselors. The Outreach Centers at the time were the single most successful V.A. program designed to help Vietnam veterans recover psychologically from the war and re-assimilate into American society. One final component of the Reagan legacy includes a damning congressional report from 1990 that found: “The Reagan administration had adopted a legal strategy of refusing liability in military and civilian cases of contamination involving toxic chemicals and nuclear radiation …. The Federal Government has suppressed or minimized findings of ill health effects among Vietnam veterans that could be linked to Agent Orange exposure.”
Probably the most heinous treasonous acts against American soldiers were committed by Republican President George W. Bush. On March 20, 2003, after lying to Congress and the entire world about weapons of mass destruction, Bush Jr., declared war on Iraq. U.S. forces went into Iraq without armored vests many driving unarmored vehicles. The resulting injured and dead were hidden from public view. The dead were secreted home while Bush denied journalists the right to photograph and report on the caskets of dead American soldiers. Meanwhile, the Department of Defense (DOD) concealed and juggled the numbers of the dead, maimed and wounded.
Despite his infamous Mission Accomplished speech, the war raged on until December 18, 2011, at which time President Barrack Obama withdrew the last troops fulfilling his campaign promise to end the war. America casualties caused by Bush’s illegal war which used American troops “as animals to promote foreign policy,” totaled 4,424 deaths (including both killed in action and non-hostile) and 31,952 wounded in action (WIA). The financial cost was estimated at $1.7 trillion by the Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University. However, the total cost is believed to exceed $3 trillion by 2053 when interest payments are calculated.
Unlike his father who was a pilot during WWII, George Bush dodged the Viet Nam war by serving in the Texas Air National Guard from 1968-1974. He served 2 years active duty for training as a fighter pilot. While stationed at Ellington Air Force Base in Houston, he rarely reported for duty. This contempt for the military is evidenced by the fact that in 2003 Bush threatened to veto a bill that allowed veterans to collect disability pay and pensions simultaneously. In 2003, he also tried to cut combat pay from $225 to $150 a month and the family separation allowance from $250 to $100. To add insult to injury, he threatened to veto a proposal to double the $6,000 payment to relatives of soldiers killed in action.
![George W. Bush, Ellington Air Force Base circa 1970](https://i2.wp.com/www.xplicitnews.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/George-W.-Bush-pilot.jpg?resize=332%2C394)
Whether or not a Republican occupies the office of the presidency, they dogmatically implement the Kissinger-Trump foreign policy beliefs pertaining to American soldiers. In February of 2014, Senate Republicans led by “Moscow Mitch” McConnell, the self-proclaimed “Grim Reaper” blocked Democratic Party legislation designed to expand federal healthcare and education programs for veterans. McConnell and his Republican cronies claimed the $24 billion bill would “bust the budget.” Democrat sponsors of the bill said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans’ programs. The bill would have created 27 new medical facilities needed by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Trump over the term of his administration has promoted the Kissinger Ideology as if he were on steroids. Trump loves military parades but excels at disrespecting our armed forces. He’s insulted deceased war heroes and their parents, openly criticized generals as “dopes and babies,” and disgracefully treated soldiers with traumatic brain injuries. He has pardoned a convicted war criminal against the objections of the generals and men and women served with him. They described him as “freaking evil.” Trump’s most recent obscene treatment of our soldiers occurred when he forced West Point cadets to come back so he could give a commencement address, despite the ongoing pandemic.
Fast forward to June 2020 and it has come to light that Russia has for more than a year operated a program that paid bounties for the killing of American troops in Afghanistan. Former National Security Advisor, John Bolton has confirmed that he informed Trump of the program as early as February 2019. Russia has committed an act of war and Trump’s defense is “I wasn’t briefed.” According to a June 29, New York Times article, Trump received information about the bounties in a February 2020 written, Daily Presidential Brief (PDB). Despite the overwhelming evidence and factual reporting proving his dereliction of duty in favor of being Putin’s little female lap dog in-heat, Trump continues to blame others for his incompetence and treasonous acts. The” I did not get the briefing” response has been proved false. So, now he has changed his messaging to “the threat assessment did not rise to the level of requiring attention. Therefore, it did not require any actions. The intelligence community is at odds with Trump’s assertions and has provided proof to support their position. The CIA actually tracked payments from Russia to Taliban soldiers that killed 3 American Marines with a car bomb in 2019. The CIA actually knows the name of the middleman responsible for transporting the payments. Yet, Trump leads the military through denial.
Still, Trump, the Commander In Chief shows his contempt for troops under his command by feigning ignorance or as usual, blaming everybody but himself. Yet, Republicans in the House and the Senate come to his rescue instead of holding him accountable for the American lives that he has cost through his refusal to confront Putin for murdering American soldiers. Now Trump, realizing that his lies about the incident are falling on deaf ears has decided to claim that Putin’s murder for hire scheme which has been proved to be successful in killing American soldiers is nonexistent. It is a hoax! To the detriment of our military and the shock and awe of the nation, Trump has proven that as a little, female lap dog in-heat, he has found a home in Putin’s lap.
“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” – Henry Kissinger
Links Sources and Documentation
- Smithsonian Article: : https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nixon-prolonged-vietnam-war-for-political-gainand-johnson-knew-about-it-newly-unclassified-tapes-suggest-3595441/
Copyright © 2020 Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
Great Article … well written and documented.
Let’s hope the American people will finally vote this human waste out of office . Thank you Mr. Reaux
Thanks. I will try to get back on track. I take it you loked the little female lap dog in-heat.