“If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit” – W.C. Fields
By Glen Reaux
The current administration under the leadership of so-called-president Donald J. Trump has conquered the Republican Party and destroyed its identity as the party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan. These three American heroes were not only excellent leaders of their party, but they were also protectors of the people or accomplished foreign policy experts. They did not operate or promote a government by fear, hate, division, and corruption. These are the tactics used by the current Republican leadership that serves their masters, the American Oligarchy. These tactics are not the tactics of honorable and honest men. To these great former Presidents of the Republican Party, the presidency was about leadership through self-sacrifice, service to the nation, and reverence that came with having the honor of being the nation’s leader. They realized that they could not serve two masters and chose to be noble by choosing the nation’s people as their masters to serve. Roosevelt and Lincoln were protectors of the realm that fought and died for this nation. Unlike these great heroes, in 2018 at a Helsinki press conference with the entire world-watching, Trump bent the knee and kissed the ring of Vladimir Putin the leader of a nation that Reagan considered to be the evil empire. So much for today’s Republicans yielding ” A Trump Second Term: Government by Fear Hate Division and Corruption” fostering the American oligarchy.
Today, the Republican Party employs less than honorable tactics of fear, hate, division, and corruption as a means of controlling a large segment of the nation’s population that identify as Republicans. Republican voters are pawns-in-the-game for an elite few that have used their money, power, and wealth to corrupt the Republican Leadership. This elite class has been identified as 0.1% and corporate America. Behind the hallowed walls of their Ivy League Colleges and country clubs, they do not identify as Democrat or Republican. Rather, they identify with the one thing that they have in common with each other and not with you. That thing is their massive amounts of wealth.
They have used this wealth to corrupt the Republican Party and become oligarchs. Thanks to what the Republican Party has evolved into starting with the Nixon era, America is no longer a constitutional democratic republic. In today’s America now referred to as Trump-land, the rule-of-law as laid out by the founding fathers in the constitution no longer exists. America has now joined the ranks of two former communist superpowers. In both China and Russia communism and the power-of-the-people are dead. In today’s economically corrupt world, communism has been replaced by an oligarchy, and thanks to the Republican Party democracy in this country has suffered the same faith. An oligarchy is a government ruled by a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution such as a government. The elite in this country represented by the 0.1% and corporate America are the ruling oligarchy that controls the Republican Party and is doing everything possible to attempt the same with the Democratic Party. Due to the economic contributions that the banking and financial services industries have made to the Democratic Party since the Clinton administration, it may also fall in the not too distant future.
Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote “…Government of the people, by the people and for the people…” means absolutely nothing in America today. It means nothing because it does not exist anymore. The new governing axiom is straight from the streets of the 1930s gangland. “Money talks and bullshit walks!” now governs our once great country and Trump with his “Make America Great Again” lie will only hasten our downfall. In the eyes of today’s Republican politicians and leadership, the elite has the money to talk to them. What you as an average hard-working poor or middle-class citizen has to say is “bullshit”, so take a walk! America is now an oligarchy government controlled by the wealth of the 0.1%. If there is any doubt in your mind use the duck test. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. If your representatives are controlled by money, lie to hide it, make laws that oppress you, pass laws that only benefit the elite, take away your healthcare, ignores your emails and phone calls, and the president is one of the wealthiest men in America, then your government is most definitely an oligarchy, dduuhhh!
Republican Oligarchs
“Government of the people by the wealthy for the wealthy is now the Republican mandate and under the orders of their wealthy oligarch masters, are at war with you. They just haven’t announced it on CNN. So, when you look at your current economic situation, your healthcare status, the climate change emergency, the high costs of education, the lack of a living wage law, right-to-work laws, wealth inequality in this country and what the future looks like for your kids and grand-kids remember, “Money talks and bullshit walks!” so get the hell out of here and go take a long hike! Oh! Before you leave, take these 20 lashes that we have for you.
Lincoln freed the slaves and saved the country by defeating the Confederacy thus preventing them from dividing this great nation into two separate countries fighting for dominance over one continent. Lincoln’s success laid the groundwork for what would become the greatest agricultural, industrial, economic, energy, military, and technological power in the history of the world. Aside from being a war hero and Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt served as President from 1901-1909. He became famous and revered for his domestic policies known as the Square Deal which had three basic directives, conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protections. Based upon espoused Republican conservative principles, Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt are the quintessential examples of what a conservative president is supposed to be. The root word for conservative is conserve. Conserve means to protect from harm or destruction and that is exactly what Lincoln did for the nation and what Roosevelt did for the American people. With their very lives, they protected the American people from harm or destruction.
Unlike Lincoln and Roosevelt, his predecessors, Reagan was more like today’s Republican Presidents in regards to his corruption, contempt for the general public, and racist policies. None-the-less, Reagan united the world against the Soviet Union and on June 12, 1987, called out the General Secretary of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev with this famous quote: “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.” Just four years later, on November 9, 1991, the Berlin Wall which had separated East Germany from West Germany and was a symbol of Soviet strength against the western world and the NATO alliance came down. With this act, East Germany and West Germany once again united and the Soviet Union began to dissolve into independent nations no-longer based in communism. Several of these countries are now NATO countries or have NATO partnerships.
Following his historic Berlin Wall speech, six months later in Washington D.C., Reagan and Gorbachev signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) which brought an end to the nuclear arms races that had begun in the early fifties. Ronald Reagan was a master negotiator and foreign policy expert that placed the Security and World Status of America above all other nations. It was under Reagan’s foreign policies that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR aka the Soviet Union) fell. Reagan saw the Soviet Union under the leadership of Russia as the Evil Empire. And in speeches to the nation and world, declared it as such. Unlike Trump, he was much too wise to trust its leader. On February 1, 2019, Trump announced that he was withdrawing from the INF. This announcement has sparked the beginnings of a new nuclear arms race and on the doomsday clock moved us closer to midnight which signifies nuclear war. Like in Helsinki, Trump has once again given Putin exactly what he wanted.
Trump is an American oligarch, who like all of his fellow Republican oligarchs is fighting an undeclared war against the American people. The traditional Republican tactics of fear politics and division just have not been enough for this so-called-president. Trump has added the element of hatred to the Republican arsenal. While some readers may think that that statement is a bit over-the-top, let’s get real. The Republican leadership has graciously accepted their role as minions of the want-to-be dictator. At every opportunity, he has flaunted his disgust for the rule-of-law and his hatred for anyone that is not an elitist. He has done it openly and without equivocation since he announced that he was running for the highest office in the land. And by the refusal of Republican lawmakers to execute their constitutionally mandated responsibility of checks-and-balances on the Executive Branch, any sane person cannot arrive at any other conclusion.
All functioning organizations including governments operate by a hierarchy or chain of command. So, it stands to reason that if the head of the government is a hate-driven, fear-mongering, divisive, dishonest, and corrupt leader and his minions in the form of the Republican Party leadership all fall in line, support him and protect him, there can be no other conclusion. It is a top-down management. Hence, the statement is not over the top. People of America, under the directions Trump and the American oligarchy your own government is at war with you. Hatred is one of their principal weapons. It’s time to wake up and stop drinking the Kool-Aid. Open your eyes. Our constitutional democratic republic is now on life support.
Based upon “the Art of War” by Sun Tzu, these are the four principles of warfare that are currently being used by the Republican Party and their oligarch masters against you, your family and friends right now.
- “All warfare is based on deception”
- “The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy so that he cannot fathom our intent”
- “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
- “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Like the infamous Jim Jones, cult leader of the Peoples Temple, Trump offers the American People a “Make America Great Again” good feeling while laying the groundwork to poison their Kool-Aid. A thorough examination of the Trump administration will provide note-worthy proof of its agenda, tactics, lawlessness, abuse of power, and corruption.
- Michael T. Flynn, National security advisor: pleaded guilty on Friday to lying to the F.B.I. about conversations with the Russian ambassador in December of 2016
- George Papadopoulos, Campaign Foreign Policy: pleaded guilty about lying to the FBI in doing so, led to the opening of Russian interference into the 2016 election
- Paul Manafort, Campaign Chairman: Convicted of financial fraud related to a scheme in which he lobbied for a pro-Russia party in Ukraine and hid proceeds in foreign bank accounts
- Michael E. Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer: Pleaded guilty to tax evasion, bank fraud, and violating campaign finance laws by paying off two women who said they had had affairs with Mr. Trump in exchange for their silence. Trump was also named as an unindicted co-conspirator by the Southern District of New York, Federal Prosecutor
- Rick Gates, Deputy Campaign Manager and Chair of the Inauguration Committee: Pleaded guilty to charges of money laundering, tax evasion and bank fraud.
- Scott Pruitt, Former Environmental Protection Agency Chief: Resigned under a cloud of ethics scandals, including alleged spending abuses, cozy relationships with lobbyists, and enlisting aides to obtain special favors for him and his family.
- Ben Carson, Housing and Urban Development Secretary: Forced to cancel an order for $31,000 in furniture for his office, which was above the limit imposed on cabinet secretaries for redecorating their offices. He blamed his wife and staffers for ordering the furniture before finally admitting he was involved in the decision.
- David J. Shulkin, Former Veteran’s Affairs Secretary: Used taxpayer dollars to pay for his wife to go on an official trip to Europe with him, spent a good part of the trip sightseeing and improperly accepted Wimbledon tickets as a gift, according to the Department of Veteran Affairs inspector general.
- Wilbur Ross, Former Health and Human Services secretary: Forced to resign after repeatedly violating government travel rules and wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars by using chartered jets and military aircraft
- Debra Fitzgerald, Former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Resigned after buying shares in a tobacco company one month into her tenure as the nation’s top public health official.
- Nikki R. Haley, Former Ambassador to The United Nations: Violated the Hatch Act, according to the Office of Special Counsel, by re-tweeting Mr. Trump’s endorsement of a Republican congressional candidate. The law prohibits federal employees from engaging in government-funded political activity. Never indicted or prosecuted
- Rob Porter, former White House staff secretary: Forced to resign after a history of domestic abuse accusations surfaced.
- Dan Scavino, Jr., White House Social Media Director: Violated the Hatch Act, according to the Office of Special Counsel, by posting a political message on a Twitter account that included a photo of him in the White House and identified him as a federal employee.
- Kellyanne Conway, President’s Counselor: Violated ethics rules, according to the Office of Government Ethics, by endorsing Ivanka Trump’s product line during an interview to Fox News from the White House briefing room. Violated the Hatch Act twice by advocating for and against candidates in the December 2017 Alabama special election for United States Senate, according to the Office of Special Counsel.
- John McEntee, President’s Former Personal Assistant: Escorted from the White House and forced to resign after an investigation into his finances caused his security clearance to be revoked.
- Alexander Acosta, Secretary of Labor: Violated federal and state laws when serving as Federal Prosecutor in Florida. He gave a plea deal to a wealthy confederate who sexually abused more than 30 young girls while operating an international prostitution ring using the girls as sex slaves. The plea deal did not sentence the convict to any prison time.
Issues dealing with Hate mongering and violation of federal law:
- Declared all Mexican immigrants were criminals and racists in his campaign declaration speech.
- In violation of the constitution, Trump initiated an illegal Muslim travel ban in 2017.
- Refused to admonish white nationalist and neo-Nazi’s for violence which led to the vehicular homicide of a peaceful protestor
- Declared that a Federal Judge of Hispanic heritage could not preside over a court case involving Trump University a scam perpetrated upon people seeking a form of higher education.
- In violation of federal law, Trump implemented an immigration policy against Mexican and Central American refugees that separated tens-of-thousands of children from their parents many of whom will never be reunited with their parents
- Encouraged police officers to violate the civil rights of suspected criminals through the use of police brutality.
Issues dealing with abuse of power and violation of the presidential oath-of-office:
- Refused to defend the American people against election tampering by Russians in the 2016 election.
- Together with Republican lawmakers defeated legislation that would have provided tens of millions of dollars in federal funding for infrastructure security by states against election tampering
- Used his office to intimidate Attorney General Jeff Sessions and created a hostile work environment in violation of federal workplace discrimination laws.
- Trump’s declaration of a border emergency and government shutdown in an attempt to get funding for a border wall.
Oppressive Legislation and violations of the rule-of-law:
- The Tax Cuts and Jobs act of 2017 which gave huge tax cuts to the elite while burdening the poor and middle class with increased taxes.
- Instructed Attorney General Barr not to defend the Affordable Care Act against legal challenges and asked the courts to overturn the law. It is the Attorney General’s job to represent the people of the United States against court challenges to their laws.
- In violation of the Congress’ constitutional budgetary power, Trump has misappropriated funds budgeted to the Pentagon and reallocated those funds for the construction of a border wall
- Trump restricts the Justice Department’s ability to prosecute civil rights cases and the enforcement of education laws.
- In violation of constitutionally guaranteed civil rights, Trump banned Transgendered people from serving in the military.
In light of the evidence presented, it is clear that Donald Trump is in violation of Article II, Section One, Clause 8, of the United States Constitution which states:
Before he enters the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—”I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
The president’s willful violation of his oath-of-office, through his participation, planning, and implementation of the acts listed are proof that through him and the Republican Leadership this country is being governed by fear, hate, division, and corruption on behalf of an American Oligarchy.
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
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