After160 years, still “A battle for the soul of our nation” – Joe Biden
By Glen Reaux
Despite the pandemic, Russian attacks on our government infrastructure, and even Donald Trump’s constant attempts to divide and conquer our nation, the 2020 presidential election has come and gone successfully. Joe Biden is the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect, Kamala Harris, his running mate is the first woman, Black woman, and Asian American to be elected vice president. As expected, “The Donald” is continuing to be exactly what he has always been, “Idiot In Chief.” But, unexpectedly and with great surprise to the American people, the Republican political establishment led by Moscow Mitch is still defying the will of the people, first with their refusal to acknowledge Joe Biden’s victory. And secondly, not unlike their reception for former President Obama, Republicans have already implemented their plan to obstruct the Biden administration and cause its failure. This leaves Biden with a historical dilemma which when addressed will either right the ship and usher in the America promised by the constitution or bring this country closer to the abominable fate of another great civilization, Germany prior to 1933. Will Biden follow in the footsteps of Obama and the historical Democratic Party? Or, will he get a full lay of the land and survey the remnants of our once-great nation with a keen eye and realize what so many Democrats and Independents have already concluded. Today’s Republican Party is not the Party of Lincoln. It must be dealt with the way that Lincoln dealt with the Confederacy. Because, since the days of Nixon, the Republican Party has slowly evolved into the new Confederacy and have proven this by their actions which by design have dismissed the will of the people and subjugated our nation’s citizenry. To heal this nation and “Build Back Better” an informed and untraditional decision equal to the task must be made for “Biden’s Path Forward: Part I Kumbaya or Scorched Earth Justice.”
The party of old rich white men under the leadership of Donald Trump and “Moscow Mitch” has shown its true colors and they are not the red, white, and blue of Old Glory. Their colors are the whiteness of their skin and the green of their Benjamins. While this sounds shocking, let’s judge this book by its cover. The actions of the Republican Party under the two-headed dragon of self-proclaimed Donald “big brain” Trump and exalted Mitch “the Grim Reaper” McConnell binds this book in hardcover. The 2017 tax cuts made the wealthy richer on the backs of the middle-class. The call to arms of the Proud Boys and other white supremacist organizations by Trump, their refusal to legislate the overwhelming demand for gun control, universal healthcare, climate change, and most importantly their attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election is the cover by which to judge this Republican book of insurrection and tyranny. Add to that the ineptitude of their pandemic response and their refusal to legislate a legitimate recovery package for everyday citizens devastated by COVID-19 provides the Republicans with an infamous, historical best seller of death and destruction. These actions exhibit their wish to return to the confederacy of old. The only logic attributable to this Republican catastrophe is each page of this book is motivated by the fear of losing power to a more diverse America.
The rich old white men of the Republican Party and its super-wealthy financial and corporate backers have read all of the demographic studies. They know that the ethnic diversity that is around the corner, less than a decade away spells death to their reign and power. Although they will not admit it for fear of being revealed for what they really are “white supremacists,” with a white nationalist agenda, they must be judged by what they do and not by what they say. Over the past two decades, motivated by their anti-American fears, Republicans have covertly attempted a coup d’ e’tat. More recently, since the election, their coupe has been made public in an attempt to overturn the outcome of the election. This has led to an environment in America that is not unlike that of Germany just prior to the 1933 conversion to Nazism. It is time to call out the huge white elephant in the room. According to Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hitler’s ally “fascism is the merger of corporate and government interest.”
Trump Land is America today under Republican rule, not governance. If you will take the time to clear your mind and examine the actions of the Republicans in Congress, their legislation, Donald Trump, the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the recent attempts by Republican Senators and Congressmen to invalidate the election, you can only draw one conclusion. America is in extreme danger of becoming a fascist nation. Much like the constitutional convention of 1787, we are at a historical crossroads. The Biden administration must realize this and confront it with “extreme prejudice” if our American democracy is to survive. On the final day of the Constitutional Convention people sitting on the steps of Independence Hall asked Benjamin Franklin, ‘What do we have, a republic or a monarchy?’ Franklin replied, ‘A republic if you can keep it.’ Our responsibility is to keep it.” It is now President-Elect Joe Biden’s responsibility to take up the Franklin mantle.
Many Americans mistakenly have exclaimed, “Trump is gone and the system worked, Hallelujah.” Wrong! He is gone for now and he has exposed the weaknesses of our constitution. Its supporting systems have been severely compromised. The Republican Party and its big-money backers were very willing participants in this travesty. They are not done yet. And, Joe Biden and the Democrats have not learned this lesson. In many interviews, Biden has spoken of not pursuing Trump for his crimes in favor of healing the nation. This statement is basically telling the Republicans that the Democrats will continue to bring a butter knife to a gunfight. This is not a lesson to teach them. Biden has won “the battle for the soul of our nation. However, the Republicans have declared war on our democracy. The Party’s political machine has learned many lessons from Donald Trump. The first lesson is white America voted against Trump’s indignities, not his policies. The second lesson is, Trump still owns the party. And third, a more politically correct version of Trump would not have lost the election. This third reason is the impetus behind the recent attempts by Senator Ted Cruise and the dozen other Republican Senators now planning to fight the Senate’s approval of Biden’s Electoral College victory. Hence, the race has begun for a kinder, gentler, less obnoxious, and more likable version of Trump that white America will rally behind. Led by Ted Cruz, Senator from Texas and Vice President Mike Pence, this dozen of Senatorial idiots are all vying for the position.
With the open rebellion by Republican Senators against Biden and the lack of Republican leadership to uphold the constitutionality of the election, Biden must realize that Republicans cannot be rewarded with a kumbaya. He can reach across the aisle all he wants. But, this will only embolden the opposition while alienating the “average Joe” who despite COVID-19, risked his life and those of his family and loved ones to vote for him. They want, need, and deserve justice. The nation must have justice or it will never heal and turn away from Trump-land, the Republicans new vision of America.
The “Average Joe American,” Biden’s supporters who consist largely of ethnic minorities has been deeply hurt by the Republican Party, Trump, and the immeasurable corruption that has run rampant through the halls of Congress and the White House. “Average Joes” put Biden in the office to make a difference and affect positive change. Change without justice will not make a difference. Nor will “Average Joe” Biden gain the respect of the Republicans or be able to govern in a way that will bring us back from the cliff and heal this nation. Biden’s only option is scorched earth justice. Republicans must learn to fear him and the Democratic Party or nothing will ever change in this country. Crime and corruption unpunished only breed more of the same. In an era where Biden campaigned on racial and ethnic justice, his electorate consists of only 44% of the white vote and an overwhelming 68% of the non-white vote. His choices are extremely limited and Kumbaya isn’t one of them.
So what does scorched earth justice look like? It starts with the defense of and enforcement of the constitution and its basic premise that “no one is above the law.” To enforce the constitution and all of the laws of the land that are rooted in it, the Following must be done. The Biden Department of Justice must realize that justice is supposed to be blind and not corrupt or stupid. Equal justice for all must be enforced. Without this approach, the American people will never trust the American system of justice again. For starters, scorched earth justice must include these elements:
- A law and order Attorney General and FBI Director who will work for the people must be appointed.
- An investigation into the crimes committed by every member of the Trump administration must be conducted by the FBI.
- An investigation into each and every member of Congress that possibly committed crimes, including sedition and insurrection, must be done. This must also include all ties to Russian campaign contributions to Mitch McConnell and other members of congress.
- Special investigations into Hatch Act, Election Law, and emoluments clause violations must be conducted. Violations of the emoluments clause must result in reimbursement of the millions of dollars that have been stolen from the American people.
- Replace all inspectors General fired by Trump.
- Investigate every department of the U.S. government for corruption.
- Investigations into all players, outside of the government, national and international must be conducted.
- A special task force should be established to investigate all campaign finance law violations and ties to Russia and other foreign governments.
- The results of all investigations must be made public via a special government website which will provide all files and evidence in every investigation. Suspects with probable-cause must be charged and prosecuted. Members of Congress must be held accountable by both Congress and the courts.
- The Supreme Court must be restructured to 13 justices. It’s the only way to repair decades of highly questionable and improper decisions like Shelby County v. Holder and Citizens United v. FEC. These Supreme Court rulings gutted the Civil Rights Act and opened the door to the corruption, disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, dark money, and foreign election interference that has dominated Republican politics and subjugated the American people. Without restructuring the courts, we will never be able to keep the republic.
America is under siege from without and within. She is being ripped apart at her seams by corrupt Republican politicians, lobbyists, white supremacists, and an entire atlas of conspiracy theorists. She is on the brink of becoming a fascist state and now more than ever before in her history she needs a strong leader. It remains to be seen if Biden and Harris are ready for the task. Are they the Superman and Wonder Woman that the American people elected them to be? Are they just old-time Democrat cutouts from days of yesteryear doomed to greet Republicans with open arms and a Kumbaya destined to fail? Or will they be like Abraham Lincoln and Lady Justice wielding the torch of Lady Liberty and scorch the earth to bring the rule-of-law and justice back to America?
NEXT – Biden’s Path Forward: Part II Civil War
Copyright © 2021, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
Excellent article . I have been discussing these very same issues for some time good to see others have the same train of thought …