“We all declare for liberty, but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing.” – Abraham Lincoln
By Glen Reaux
The year is 1861, and the Nation is at war with itself. History tells us it is to free the slaves. But this is not so. The war is over economic power. The south’s slave driven economy is growing stronger than the north’s. Oligarch-controlled, seven white supremacist states succeed from the Union arguing that states’ rights supersede federal law. They advocate for states’ rights to hold on to slavery, which is the impetus that drives their economy. The Confederacy quickly expands to 11 states and eventually grows to 13. Lincoln realizing that the only way to save the Union is to free the slaves. This drives a dagger through the heart of the south’s economic engine. Lincoln’s actions are not humanitarian. That’s the truth of it. It is a strategic attempt to save the country by crippling the economic engine of the white supremacist’s southern regimes that are intent on destroying the nation. This leads to the American Civil war which starts in March 1861. Today, 160 years later, history is repeating itself. “Biden’s Path Forward: Part II Civil War and Insurrection,” is an examination of the correlation between Civil War-era America and Trump-land that Biden has inherited. The factors that tore apart the nation 160 years ago still exist today. And it’s not simple racism or white supremacy. It’s an economic ideology that uses white supremacy and white nationalism and hatred as a “means to an end.” The economic powers behind today’s social and political unrest are not through yet. The threats will not end when Donald Trump leaves office. Although there is no Confederacy, brothers are turning against brothers, spouses turn on each other and neighbors kill neighbors. At the center of all this hatred and destruction that is tearing this great nation apart is Donald J. Trump, aka “The Donald.” Yes, we are fighting a civil war, again.
Donald Trump was never a part of the Republican Party’s equation for controlling the country. He isn’t even a Republican ideologically. He is a grifter, a con artist, the Ring Master of a three-ring circus. But his messianic, cultish appeal provided the Republican Party with a tool that they would use to its fullest. In the beginning, he didn’t want to be present. Donald Trump originally wanted to be an American oligarch. However, he was too crass, uncouth, dishonorable, and poor for the ruling class of this country. They wanted nothing to do with this charlatan. Please keep in mind, there is no grand conspiracy of old white men who meet in smoky rooms with an extensive infrastructure that plots to control the country. It’s not that simple. Actually, among all classes of people (America is a class society), there are the good, the bad, and the ugly (indifferent). And within the oligarch class, there are people that have established a culture of greed, corruption, lawlessness, and a craving for unlimited wealth and power “by any means necessary.”
To accomplish this goal, our American Democracy must cease to exist as we know it. The constitution must have the meat picked from its bones. It must become a facade to keep the natives quiet while being ruled from the shadows. The oligarchs and the wealthy use their money to control the nation’s politicians. They are accomplishing this via their control of Mitch McConnell, his gate-keeper predecessor Newt Gingrich and the Republican Party of acolytes. They foster, support, protect, and facilitate Donald Trump, a want-to-be dictator, as he runs wild like a mad dog destroying everything in sight. Trump’s psychopathic personality prevents him from seeing that he is a tool of the oligarch class, which he despises and will never be a part of. Although self-proclaimed Donald “big brain” Trump is leaving office, on January 6th, America got an excellent taste of things-to-come.
Once again, civil war is tearing the country apart. Just as in 1861, white supremacy, hatred and fear are being used to destroy the nation. While there are no geographic borders that divide the nation and no battlefields with thousands of dead soldiers, the attack on our capitol and the ensuing insurrection was a declaration of war. The night before, two-thirds of Republican congressional representatives and eleven Republican Senators objected to the certification of the Electoral College vote that would usher in a new president. These Congressional Representatives repeated lies fostered by Trump about the election being stolen. On January 6th, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, at a rally two blocks from the capitol, incited a mop of thousands to storm the capitol to stop the certification of the vote. Even Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas paid for 70 buses that brought members of the mob to Washington D.C. Justice Thomas is one of the Supreme Court Justices whose decision on Citizen’s United vs Federal Election Commission made possible the establishment of “dark money” networks funded by American oligarchs, corporations and foreign interest. These dark money facilitators have bribed Republican congressional representatives through campaign contributions and funded the growth of white supremacy militia groups and white nationalists running for public office.
Republican congressional representative Mo Brooks of Alabama spoke at Trump’s rally. He incited the mob to violence stating “Today is the day American Patriots start taking down names and kicking ass!” Republican, Colorado Congresswoman, Lauren Boebert live-tweeted intelligence about Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s location to the mob during the attack. On January 5th, the day before, other Republican Congress members conducted reconnaissance tours for members of the murderous mob. During the attack on the Capitol, the mob loudly chanted “hang Mike Pence!” Trump’s mob of insurrectionists and murderers’ goal was to assassinate Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, take hostages, execute Congress members and stop the certification of Joe Biden as President of the United States.
In Texas, the head of the state Republican Party called for succession from the union. Texas GOP Chairman Allen West rebuked a Supreme Court decision which threw out a lawsuit filed by Texas. Seventeen other states and 126 House Republicans backed the Texas lawsuit’s effort to overturn the election results in battleground states Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. (1) In a statement, Texas GOP Chairman West railed “law-abiding states” should “form a Union.” West continued:
“The Supreme Court, in tossing the Texas lawsuit that was joined by seventeen states and 106 U.S. congressmen, has decreed that a state can take unconstitutional actions and violate its own election law resulting in damaging effects on other states that abide by the law, while the guilty state suffers no consequences… This decision establishes a precedent that says states can violate the U.S. constitution and not be held accountable.”
On the House and Senate floors, Republican Lawmakers parroted Trump’s lies about a rigged election and rebelled against the constitution. A Republican mob armed with automatic weapons, tear gas, and bombs attacked the Capitol, injured and beat dozens of capitol police, and murdered a capitol police officer. The Republican President of the United States refused to accept the results of the election and attempted a violent coup. Make no mistake. We are in a civil war and the Republicans plan to win it.
Despite the criminal behavior of Donald Trump, the storming of the Capitol, the murder of a Capitol police officer, and the subsequent deaths of four other people, nearly half of all voters are still under the spell of this charismatic Republican cult leader. In a recent NBC poll, when asked if Trump should be held accountable, half were against impeaching Trump. Ninety percent of Republicans were against impeachment. This data forces one to ask several questions. Does white America truly see Trump as their messiah? Do they place race and party above country? Finally, do they view an attempted violent coup as a good thing?
All of this is reminiscent of 1933 Germany when Adolph Hitler coined the phrase “Make Germany Great Again.” Trump’s assault on the Capitol had the same goal as Hitler’s “Night of the long knives.” Also known as Operation Hummingbird, it was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany from June 30 to July 2, 1934. Ordered by Chancellor Adolph Hitler, the operation involved extrajudicial killings or murders of members of Germany’s parliament and other political opponents of Hitler. Among the executed was Ernst Röhm, Hitler’s most trusted friend and the person responsible for putting him in power. The Night of the Long Knives consolidated Hitler’s political power into the fascist Nazi Party. Today’s Republican Party mirrors the early days of Hitler’s regime, as evidenced by Trump’s murderous mob storming the Capitol with the goal of murdering members of Congress. Incited by Trump they stormed the halls chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” Like Roehm was to Hitler, Vice President Mike Pence is Trump’s most trusted friend and staunchest supporter. Trump’s failed coup was his Night of the Long Knives. Like Trump, Hitler failed in 1922. Hopefully, Trump won’t be able to duplicate Hitler’s success of 1934.
Despite recent events, half of all Americans do not and will not believe that there is currently a civil war in this nation. Impossible! Why now? The answer is not a secret. It’s out in the open. The war is because of the changing demographics of the American electorate and their impact on the political future of this country. As the electorate becomes less and less white, and more culturally diverse, the government works for the masses and not the white oligarch and wealthy classes. Recent studies have shown that whites will become the minority electorate within a decade. It is this fear of losing power that has caused them to “unleash the dogs of war,” aka white nationalists and supremacists. These are Trump’s minions currently being duped into fighting the current civil war in which they are merely cannon fodder for the elite. Led by Trump and filled with hatred, the cannon fodder insanely shouts “Take my country back!” while the oligarchs and wealthy from the safety of their homes and country clubs, sit back and watch the insanity that they started, the attack on the American Capitol.
For more than a hundred years, they have fed white people lies. Black people are animals. Black men want to rape your wives and daughters. Your property values will drop if they move into your neighborhoods. Mexican immigrants will steal your jobs. People of color are not real Americans. Affirmative action is racist. All non-white immigrants are thieves. Black people cannot control themselves. God made Black people Black as a punishment. Jews are disreputable businessmen, the Godless, unholy devils that killed Jesus. Black people are ignorant, lazy, shiftless thieves, blah, blah, blah… blah, blah, blah. These lies have been used to dehumanize people of color and foster a false feeling of superiority for white people and hatred of all non-whites.
Aside from weaponizing and mobilizing white people into a hate-filled, white supremacy movement, the Republican Party masquerades as the party of fiscal responsibility and conservatism. However, a close examination of their history reveals that the people that benefit the most from their policies and legislation are the oligarchs, the wealthy, and corporations. The political and economic ideologies of the two parties are as different as night and day.
The modern Republican Party has established itself as the party of tax cuts for the wealthy, grants and subsidies for large corporations, deregulation of industry, pro-gun rights legislation, carbon fuel supporters, disbelievers of science, environmental destroyers, and anti-union legislation. They are proponents for voter suppression, gerrymandering, racist legislation, anti-racial, gender, and ethnic diversity. The Republican Party appoints Federal Judges and Supreme Court Justices who bend the law with rulings designed to facilitate the party’s goals. Three infamous rulings stripped the Voting Rights Act of its power, caused a growth in gerrymandering, and created dark money networks via the Citizens United ruling.
The Democratic Party ideology professes the exact opposite of the Republican Party’s. Democrats believe in spread the wealth, empower the people, and foster the American dream. The Democratic Party is more representative of the racial and ethnic composition of America’s population.
In modern times, (since the Nixon administration) the Republican Party has used white supremacy and racial conflict to incite white people to vote them into power. Their Jim Crow Laws, gerrymander, and voter suppression have all targeted and victimized ethnic minorities, in particular Black people. However, America’s racial issues do not stem from race. They grow out of ignorance of the masses to societal issues caused by economic and cultural class differences. It is these issues that Republican social engineers and media relations experts repackage and weaponized into white nationalism, white supremacy, and racism. Covertly working on behalf of their money-masters, they divide and conquer American citizens at their core. In America, there are 5 major economic classes. They are:
- Oligarchs: Super wealthy individuals that disproportionately influence the government due to their wealth and power, the 1/10 of 1% that are captains of industry, owners of privately held multi-billion dollar corporations, and majority stockholders of publicly traded companies
- Wealthy: High net worth individuals that work for oligarchs to accumulate their wealth, the 1% with huge stock portfolios, and political leaders
- The upper-middle-class: High-income individuals without a great deal of net worth and have good-paying jobs and politicians. Their salaries range from $75,000 to $165,000.
- The middle class: Everyday job holders with incomes from $24,000 up to $74,000
- The proletarian: Poor people at the bottom of the economic ladder who earn less than $25,000
Keep in mind there is no grand conspiracy of meetings by the oligarchs and wealthy to rule the country. It’s much worse than that. It is a culture of shared values that binds these groups and motivates their actions. It is a culture of greed, and perceived entitlement that controls their gatekeepers, the politicians. These gate-keepers’ intentions are to divide and conquer the lower three classes, enabling the oligarchs to enrich themselves and grow their power. By dividing the lower classes, the oligarchs control the manner in which they vote and influence the government. This is a process that gained momentum under the Nixon administration with his recruitment of the Dixiecrats, continued under Reagan, Daddy Bush, and Baby Bush. It is coming to a head under the Trump administration. The Republican Party will continue to feed this cancer infesting America.
Fueling the white nationalist and white supremacy movement via racial and cultural differences, Republican politicians recruit unwitting minions from the three lower classes. They fuel them with hatred for people that do not look like them. Separated by socioeconomic factors, ethnic and cultural differences, they fall prey to the fear-mongering, and hatred that has grown into the Republican Party’s white supremacist tool used to enrich the oligarchs and wealthy. These oligarchs are determined to convert America from a democracy into an oligarchy similar to Russia, where people vote in sham elections but are powerless to affect their government. Covertly controlled by these oligarchs, America will become a country that is no longer a government of the people by the people for the people. It will be a government of the oligarchs by the oligarchs for the oligarchs masquerading as a democracy.
Like Lincoln’s civil war, Biden has to fight ruthlessly to save the nation. His Department of Justice must “scorch the earth.” All insurrectionists, corrupt politicians, conspirators, and traitors must be rooted out and shown no mercy. The message must be sent “no justice no peace!” Everyone convicted must be punished to the fullest extent of the law or the nation is doomed.
This is not a racial war. It is an economic war and Biden must educate the people or his administration will be unsuccessful in uniting the three lower economic classes which is necessary to heal the nation. If not, he will lose the war and the oligarch-controlled new confederacy will rise again. Only this time, the new Confederate flag will be the Stars and Stripes of oppression, not freedom.
Linked Sources and Documentation
- Succession: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/529926-texas-gop-chair-appears-to-suggest-secession-after-scotus-rejects
- Donald Trump’s Save America Rally Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKDAp-4Hhs8
Copyright © 2021, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
It’s what I have been saying forever , that their thought of mind is that WHITE IS RIGHT “