“But they can rule by fraud, and by fraud eventually acquire access to the tools they need to finish the job of killing off the Constitution.”- Robert Anton Wilson
By Glen Reaux
This is an update of a 2019 article.
In today’s complex times trying to navigate through the political maze of lies and deceit, it is very easy to become confused, depressed, and even delusional. But when faced with all of this political dark noise it helps to remember that there is always a simple common-sense solution or way to see through the smoke and mirrors. “If It looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it’s a duck!” (the duck test). If it looks like a lie, sounds like a lie, smells like a lie, feels like a lie, it’s a lie. If people that you love as your children lie, parents lie and your spouse tells lies, rest assured politicians are masters at telling lies as evidenced by Trump’s more than 12,000 lies and counting. Some of the biggest lies told by politicians are that if you believe in a conspiracy theory you are crazy, insane, nuts, and bonkers. There are no conspiracies in government or big business. These lies are all attempts to keep you confused to prevent you from “looking behind the curtain” or to keep you from using the duck test. Lies keep you drinking the Kool-aid. Just ask any survivor of Jim Jones and the 1978 Jonestown massacre in Guyana. The parallels between Jim Jones, mass murderer, and leader of the People’s Temple cult, and Donald Trump are eerily similar. In comparison, Jim Jones poisoned and killed his followers with Kool-aid. In America, Donald Trump, “The Tasty Republican Duck” is the GOP’s poison of choice and the carnage is beginning to look like Jonestown as the “American dream” dies face-down in the mud for both immigrants and citizens, including Republicans, not in the leadership. To understand the question, “Can America Survive Republican Conspiracies Like the Tasty Republican Duck” one must understand just what this specialized mouth-watering, anti-American delicacy really is.
Every state in this country and the federal government has laws against conspiracies. Laws against conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to commit fraud, conspiracy to commit robbery, conspiracy to commit treason, and conspiracy to defraud the government are all foundations of our legal system. Any prosecutor will tell you that a conspiracy is merely a plan by two or more parties to commit an act of deceit (or a crime). There are thousands of conspiracies committed by criminals and corporations that have been tried in courts, proven, and documented in the news media. In fact, it is ludicrous to believe that conspiracies do not exist and prosecutors that who have won conspiracy trials are crazy people.
To try conspiracy cases, theories have to be developed, investigations have to be done, evidence gathered and motive or probable cause has to be determined. It is the government’s job to prosecute these conspiring people or corporations and your job is to hold the government accountable (make them do it). To make them do it, you first have to suspect that a conspiracy can exist. To only way to do that is to first formulate a theory or hypothesis. Not to believe a conspiracy is possible is the very definition of crazy and dereliction of civic duty. A prime example of a conspiracy is when the National Rifle Association (NRA) makes political contributions to GOP congresspeople to develop plans to prevent or impact gun legislation. NRA lobbying efforts are acts of deceit against the American people and in some cases against their own membership that overwhelmingly support stronger background checks. Another very public conspiracy was the Republican-controlled Senate’s shameful approval of Matt Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Even more devastating to our Republic is the Republican plan now being executed to pack all of our nation’s courts with biased Judges and Justices in an attempt to subvert the constitution. They are called conservative judges. America is supposed to be about fair and unbiased justice not a Republican tainted brand of justice. So keep in mind the duck test. If it looks like a conspiracy, acts like a conspiracy and talks like a conspiracy, It’s a conspiracy. You are not a nut job to think so!
According to Webster, a conspiracy is a plot, collusion, scheme or plan. A theory is a supposition or system of ideas to explain something. Most politicians and certain media sources will say you are crazy if you develop a system of ideas to explain what appears to be a plan, good or bad that will impact your life (conspiracy theory). You are a “nut job” if you use the duck test (common sense). Conspiracies are currently the root of America’s decay. It has led to partisan bickering, Congress selling out the American people to big business and their failure to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. And, you are a “conspiracy nut job” if you believe America has domestic enemies. While you are at it, have a nice, big piece of this delicious “Tasty Republican Duck!”
Prior to the Contract with America authored by Republican Newton Leroy Gingrich, Georgia Congressman and Speaker of the House aka Newt, there was bipartisan legislation and people reaching across the aisle to compromise for the good of the country. Although Newt (elected to congress in 1989) took credit for the contract it was actually a plagiarism of Ronald Reagan’s 1985 State of The Union Address and a product of the so-called-conservative Heritage Foundation. This contract led to a shift in Republican ideology from conservatism and compromise to winner-take-all, democrats are the enemy, people on welfare are stealing from the government, no compromise, and laws that would only benefit big corporations, the wealthy 1% and the special interest funded by corporate America. This was not a contract with America. It was a published plan designed to divide and conquer the American people that did not believe in the new Republican conservative ideology. So you see, a conspiracy does not have to be secretive or covert. Republicans operate in plain sight knowing that the bulk of the American people are too gullible to believe their “lying eyes.” Remember Trump’s now-infamous statement:
This statement by Trump telling people not to believe what they see or read is almost identical to a statement from George Orwell’s dystopian novel”1984″; “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” It sounds like Trump and his Republican minions “Trumpions”, see 1984 as their future for America and Donald Trump is the”Tasty Republican Duck” that they are serving for Sunday dinner.
The “Contract With America” conspiracy masquerading as a published plan to benefit America was the first large scale covert step funded by big business. It was a behind-the-scenes attack on the constitution by controlling through money the legislative, judicial and executive branches of government. All of the checks and balances put in place by the founding fathers would be overcome by corporate money and greedy politicians. Senators, congressmen, presidents and even supreme court justices would all be bought and paid for by dark corporate money. Despite all of the outward indications of this nonviolent corporate coup, if you choose to believe your “lying eyes” and develop a system of ideas to investigate the evidence, you will be labeled insane, just another conspiracy nut. You will be ostracized and suffer the consequences of not eating the “Tasty Republican Duck.”
The Heritage Foundation’s Contract with America evolved from a plan into a Republican ideology and finally a culture that has led to the rise of Trumpism and the current state of our nation’s affairs. This Republican duck is built upon conspiracy, secrecy, tribalism, nepotism, cronyism, lies, deceit, treachery, treason, misogyny, sexism, racism, corporatism, white nationalism. It employs collusion with foreign powers like Russia to defraud the American people of their rights to government of the people, by the people, and for the people via free and open elections. This duck is reminiscent of Benito Mussolini’s Republican Fascist Party and the rise of Adolph Hitler and Nazism.
The Republicans are really proud of their duck. This monstrosity masquerades as Republican conservative policies or conservatism. But, conservatism it is not. The root word for conservatism is conserve. According to Webster, conserve means “to protect from harm or destruction.” Are these Republicans policies of overt racism, destruction of healthcare, destroying environmental protections and denying people the right to vote protecting America from harm or destruction. Republican conservatism does not pass the “duck test.” It is not conservative at all. In fact it is destructive.
The Republicans want this duck sold by their pitch man Donald Trump to be the main course on Sundays when your family and friends are sitting around the dinner table discussing events in their lives. Eat it, drink the Kool-aid and you will relish in the “American Dream” happily ever after without savings, healthcare or constitutional rights. Oh by the way, have a nice big slice of “Putin Pie” it is delicious.
Do not let an overwhelming bombardment of propaganda trick you into believing that you are crazy or insane to even consider that big business or your elected officials are conspiring against you. Remember the danger of conspiracies is that they are covert, secret, invisible or often hide in plain sight. When successful they often evolve into a cancerous culture, invisible to the body and assimilated into society for the purpose of doing irreparable harm. Like cancer, conspiracies overwhelm the people leaving them hopeless, despondent and lifeless corpses incapable of fighting back. They have changed the very DNA of the nation. And unlike Mary Malon the infamous “Typhoid Mary” who was a cook that inadvertently spread typhoid fever in the early 1930s, the Republicans are intentionally infecting America with Trumpoid fever.
Typhoid fever is caused by bacteria called Salmonella typhi (S. typhi). It’s not the same microscopic bacteria that causes the foodborne illness Salmonella. Its transmitted by the oral-fecal route through contaminated water or food. It can also be spread through direct contact with an infected person. Worldwide it infects more than 26 million people per year. Trumpoid fever is similar to typhoid fever. You can catch it by the oral-fecal route from eating the Tasty Republican Duck or by contact with a Trumpoid fever infectee. In other words, this duck is full of “sh_t. Just give it the duck test.
“One of the symptoms of a typhoid infection is a lasting high fever. People who have eaten the Tasty Republican Duck generally develop a fever that causes drooling at the mouth while shouting racists outburst, feelings of white supremacy and on occasion acts of violence and murder against people believed to be inferior or un-American. Unlike typhoid fever where people become sick, fatigued and bedridden people who eat the Tasty Republican Duck and become infected with Trumpoid fever become energized with hate, delusional and cease to believe in the truth of what they see, hear or read.
While the Tasty Republican Duck looks delicious it is poisonous. It is made of thousands of lies, deceit, racism, white nationalism, treason and crimes against humanity. It has praised and encouraged police violence, condoned the murder of a civil rights activist in Charleston, and refused to rebuke neo-Nazis marching through the streets shouting “Jews will not replace us.”
This duck has been flavored by Trump’s Justice Department’s war on healthcare and basted with the inhumanity of separating children from their parents and caging them like animals in dog pounds. It has attacked our constitution and the very institutions that guarantee and protect our freedoms. The Trump duck that Republicans want you to serve for Sunday dinner is doing away with a woman’s right to choose, is destroying the healthcare of our veterans, and spewing hatred against the LGBTQ community. As if trying to ban gays from the military was not enough, this diseased duck has recently declared the citizenship of some of the children of our diplomats and soldiers serving oversees to be invalid. Trump has been trying to end birthright citizenship which is guaranteed in the constitution since he came into office. Keep in mind that two of Trumps wives are foreign white women and 4 of his 5 children are anchor babies. Is this Tasty Republican Duck hypocritical?
To guard against getting Trumpoid fever, you must not eat the diseased, Tasty Republican Duck. It does not pass the duck test. It is not real duck Peking or otherwise. You must use common sense and look at what the Republicans are selling by employing the “duck test”, if it looks like a lie, sounds like a lie, smells like a lie, feels like a lie, it’s a lie and you will get no justice.
It it is looks like a conspiracy, acts like a conspiracy and talks like a conspiracy and feels like a conspiracy, it’s a conspiracy. Just remember when Trump said : “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.” How can you tell when Republicans are lying to you about their conspiracies? It’s easy. Their lips move! If you eat the Tasty Republican Duck, you will be the fool left to die in the mud face down with your loved ones right along side you because you believed that conspiracies don’t exist and that to believe otherwise would mean you are crazy. So, now that you know that you are not a nut if you suspect a conspiracy, you have to realize that America cannot survive Republican Conspiracies Like the Tasty Republican Duck. You must not serve it for Sunday dinner. Remember the duck test, If it looks like sh_t”, smells like sh_t” taste like sh_t”, It’s sh_t.” Flush this duck down the toilet like the sh_t that it really is.
Copyright © 2019, Glen Reaux, all rights reserved
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